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"I used to think the worst feeling in the world was losing someone you love, but I was wrong

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"I used to think the worst feeling in the world was losing someone you love, but I was wrong. The worst feeling in the world is the moment that you realize you've lost yourself."
- Elena Gilbert


The end of Christmas break.

Anna and Remus walk through the platform hand and hand, smiling like two lovesick teens.

Anna's eyes find Regulus's, she lifts a hand and she waves. Regulus smiles and he returns the gesture, walking towards the train.

Anna's eyes find someone else. Someone she didn't expect to see, ever again.

Walburga stares Anna down.

Anna's heart drops to her stomach. No.

Walburga lifts her head and she makes her way towards Annabelle.

Remus stiffens from besides Anna. "Lady Snow, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I assume you know who I am?" Walburga asks, tilting her head with a dark look in her eyes.

Anna forces out a reply, thankfully Walburga was a classy lady, keeping her secret.

Anna straightens her spine. "I have and I must say your even more beautiful then your portraits." Anna says

Walburga let's out a man eating smile. "Your words are kind, I have heard great things about you, tell me, where is your sweet friend Tom?" Walburga asks

Scratch that, Walburga was a bitch.

"You've met Tom? I didn't know he knew anyone here in London?" Anna asks, forcing herself to lie.

"He visited often, the headmasters would introduce him to us, wanted him to form connections, he was always a ambitious boy. He truly set out a brilliant plan. And he always spoke highly about his girlfriend, you." Walburga says sweetly.

Remus looks at Anna in worry, he knew that something was hurting Anna, and he knew it was about a old boyfriend.

Anna puts on a tough facade. "Well I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but he's dead and he has been for a very long time, his ambitions killed him." Anna says with a cold voice, shocking even Remus.

Walburga swallows tightly, knowing very well that it was a lie, but the dark look in Anna's eyes was terrifying.

"I'm sorry to hear that dear." Walburga says

"Me too." Anna says


On the train.

Alone in the compartment. "Are you okay Anna?" Remus asks

Anna turns to Remus and she nods. "I am, it's just hard to talk about Tom, he was such a big part of my life. I've just gotten tired of telling people he died." Anna says

Remus sighs and he reaches over, grabbing Anna and bringing her into a tight hug. "I'm sorry love." Remus says

"It's not your fault Remus, it's just been a long day." Anna says

Remus nods and he kisses the top of Anna's head. "If you want, it can be me and you today, we'll ride alone on the train and carriage and after the sorting and announcements we can just lay in bed and cuddle." Remus whispers

Anna smiles. "I'd like that." Anna says

"Good." Remus says, smiling as well.

Remus was still curious though, he wanted to know more about Tom. How did he die, who exactly was he.

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