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"Love is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions

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"Love is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions."
-Woody Allen


The walk of shame was the worse. The girls whistled as she passes them and into the bathroom.

This morning was the best and worst moment of her life. She probably ruined a perfectly good friendship and she wants to throttle someone, because how could she be so stupid!

And the worse of it was Allen and Jamie, both burst out laughing when they saw her and all over her flushed red in embarrassment.

She knows she could try to pass it off as accidentally passing out at some remote location but the marks on her neck weren't exactly innocent looking.

This morning was the worse.


Remus's dorm.

This morning was awesome.

He had an amazing moment with Anna, the girl he was crushing on since the start of the semester.

He felt great and alive.

James and Sirius did holler at him but he took it all with a smile and a laugh.

Yes this morning was absolutely awesome and there was no shame as he walked into his bathroom and took a nice, warm shower, cause yes he deserved it.

"So Moony here, finally lost his V-card." Sirius teases

Remus blushes. "W-well not exactly." Remus says

"What? Did you miss or something." James asks "is that even possible." Peter mumbles

"No, I didn't miss James because I didn't even try, we didn't go any further then a little groping." Remus says

A lot of groping but he isn't about to boast like a douche bag. Anna deserved more respect then that.

"That's bullshit, your glowing." Peter says "okay weird Wormtail, you never say that to a guy, but Moony I have to agree, you look way too happy to have not gotten a home run." Sirius says

"Okay it was a little more then just groping but I'm not about to talk about it with you guys. She deserves more then that." Remus says

"Wow, you have it bad." James says "oh whatever Prongs, like your any better." Remus says

James smirks.


Anna dorm.

"He fingered you!" Dorcas screeches

Anna flushes completely and she nods. "I can't believe I did that." Anna groans into her palms.

"How good was he." Mary asks "he was like really good, I mean, stellar good! I saw stars good!" Anna says

The girls giggle.

"Did you see it, his Schlong." Lily asks

The girls send her a long. "Schlong?" Marlene asks "his penis guys." Lily says with a roll of her eyes and a laugh on her lips.

The girls Ohh. "I hear it." Alice says with a nod.

"So did you see it." Lily asks again. "Are you sure you want me too tell you? I mean this wouldn't change the way you look at him?" Anna asks

"Nah." The girls chorus

Anna giggles. "Okay fine, yes I did see it and it's perfect, like every girls dream and nightmare wrapped all in one. And it was hot." Anna says

The girls gape at her. "You gave him a handy?!" Marlene asks "I wanted to return the favor and it was pressing against his pants. It was bloody glorious guys." Anna says

"Okay I lied, I'm not going to be able to look Remus in the eye after this." Lily says with a laugh.

The girls giggle. "Okay, I love talking to you guys but we can't say anything about this outside of these walls." Anna says

The girls groan. "Fine, but are you going to at least pursue him." Dorcas asks "I just can't, I mean he's amazing and sweet and unfairly attractive, especially with those scars of his, but I'm off guys indefinitely, or until further notice." Anna says

"Come on Anna! He's perfect for you! He's sweet and hot, what's more to want." Mary says

"He's not her ex." Dorcas reminds softly, staring at Anna remorsefully.

Anna sighs."I know it's stupid, but the last guy I was with was my world and he ruined me, in every way a girl can be ruined by a guy she loves." Anna says

"What did he do." Mary asks softly.

"He became someone I couldn't recognize, a monster who I know I have to hate and I do, with a burning passion, so much so, it hurts." Anna says

"Anna...what did he do." Lily asks

Anna shakes her head. "Nothing worth telling." Anna says

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