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"Have you ever been so wildly attracted to someone you can actually feel it driving you insane

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"Have you ever been so wildly attracted to someone you can actually feel it driving you insane."


Art class.

"Okay students after your done with your finger paintings, I'll talk about the portraits you'll be doing in a bit, now please begin cleaning up." The Professor orders

Anna giggles as she shows Dorcas her paint covered fingers. "Show me what you painted." Dorcas asks

Anna gently pushes her painting. "Awww a baby kitten." Dorcas coos

Anna flushes. "It's a perfectly sized cat." Anna grumbles under her breath. It was her Animagus form and as you can tell, she has self image problems.

"Okay." Dorcas laughs

"Okay show me yours." Anna asks

Dorcas shows hers. "You did a little puppy." Anna ask "yup, I love dogs." Dorcas says

"It's really well done Dorcas, now let's go get cleaned up." Anna says

"Aww but I kind've like the paint." Dorcas says

It sparks an idea in Anna's head.

Suddenly Anna presses her whole hand on Dorcas's face, making her gasp in shock. "No you didn't." Dorcas gasps in mock offense.

Soon it was an outright war. The girls were throwing globs of paint at each other.

"GIRLS!!!" The Professor yells

The two freeze.

"Detention after school, now both of you get cleaned up." The professor says, her face red from anger.


The girls were giggling as they clean themselves up. "Wow this is a disaster." Sirius says

The girls turn sharply, startled.

"What the hell Black, why are you in the girls bathroom." Anna yells "we're setting up a prank." Sirius says with a straight face.

"Wow, that's just awful." Dorcas says

"Why the hell are you guys covered in paint?" James asks, coming out from a stall. "Really your in there too." Anna asks

"What did you expect, wherever Sirius goes, James is quick to follow." Dorcas asks, shaking her head. "I know." Anna sighs

James and Sirius chuckle, crossing their arms. "It's like their connected by one brain cell." Anna whispers to Dorcas, making her laugh.

The boys look at them confused, not being able to hear from where they stand.

"Well we have to get cleaned up and head back to class." Dorcas quips "okay you have to tell us what happened." Peter asks, exiting from the same stall the boys were in.

"Okay how many of you are in there." Anna asks

"Four." Remus says, also exiting. Anna and Dorcas chuckle, shaking their heads. "What is this prank." Dorcas asks

The boys shrug.

"Okay were losing track, the paint ladies." James asks, motioning to their paint covered forms.

Dorcas and Anna shrug. "We got into a paint fight, it's no big deal." Anna says "oooh this paint fight looks fun, invite us next time." Sirius asks

"Okay." Dorcas lies

"That was such a lie." Sirius whines

Dorcas smirks.

"Now out, the four of you, we need to get cleaned up." Anna says "awww." The boys whine as they leave.

The girls roll their eyes.

Remus chuckles and pushes the others out of the bathroom.


Back in class.

Anna and Dorcas return to their seats when they spot the cowering Marauders in the back, hoodies up and trying to blend in so their not caught.

"Why they hell are you guys here." Dorcas whispers harshly, turned from her seat.

Peter leans forward to whisper. "We want in on the paint fight." Peter whispers

"Well to bad, it's not happening again." Anna whispers

With that said, a giant glob of paint splatters all over her face. Dorcas gasps and she covers her mouth.

It was Sirius who threw the paint.

Remus, Peter and James have their mouths covered in shock.

Anna brings her fingers up and she wipes the paint from her eyelids. "I'm going to kill you Black." Anna growls, lunging from her seat.

Sirius squeals like a little girl as he's tackled to the floor.


The professor was furious as she has the two separated. "I am absolutely disgusted." The Professor screeches

Anna looked remorseful while Sirius's scratched up face had a wide grin. Sirius hair was also matted down with paint, Anna had rubbed her face into his hair, she knew it would get back at him, but Sirius didn't look mad, which infuriated her to no end.

He even looks hot covered in paint, not that she will ever admit that, she would never hear the end of it.

"Annabelle this is your second offense within the hour, so I will be owling your mother, and Sirius you'll have detention for the whole week." The professor says

"What! The whole week!" Sirius yells

The professor doesn't look impressed as she crosses her arms. "Answer me this Mr. Black, why aren't you in class." The Professor asks

Sirius deflates. "Okay a week it is." Sirius says, relaxing in his chair. Anna rolls her eyes.

"And it's 50 points off for both of you." The professor says "fair." Anna pouts

"And since you both decided to disrupt my class, Anna didn't get to hear her project, which is due at the end of the year. You'll be doing a portrait, it can be of a fruit or a person, it is up to you." The professor says

"Thank you professor." Anna says

The professor nods and she leaves. Suddenly she's bombarded by Sirius. "Oooh do me." Sirius says excitedly. Anna scoffs, "yeah no." Anna says, pushing his face away, standing.

"What!" Sirius whines, following after her.


"Come on Bella, who is prettier then me. I mean I am a gold mine for sexy." Sirius says

Anna pulls a face. "Sure Black." Anna says

"Okay what is that supposed to mean?" Sirius asks, mock offended.

Anna chuckles. "Many things, your just not that attractive." Anna says "that's a load of shit!" Sirius screeches like a petulant child.

Anna smirks and she walks away, making Sirius follow after her.

Dragons Soul • (Sirius Black, Remus Lupin) • The Marauder Era • CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now