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"Don't waste your time looking back, you're not going that way

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"Don't waste your time looking back, you're not going that way."
- Ragnar Lothbrok


Anna was silently walking besides her chatty mother, who was looking through every window, staring at dresses as they continue forward.

After informing her that their guard was following them, she sees him constantly. It was a little unnerving, feeling his presence. Her guard was silently walking a few feet from the two. He was an ex Auror, his face was hard and void of any emotion.

He was tall and intimidating with long white hair and extraordinary golden eyes. He had a bulky build, his shoulders was almost the size of her head.

Anna couldn't help but sneak glances at him, he was magnificent, not in the weird way. Okay yes she thinks he's attractive but come on, he's built like a bloody god, and she's been asleep for 32 bloody years, there was absolutely no sex in that sleep.

Unless you count those type of dreams. Anna shakes those thoughts out of her head. He's her guard and probably old, well if you wanted to get technical, so is she, but no, eww.

She's only seventeen.

Her mothers chatter grew and she softly glares at her head. It's not that she doesn't love her mother, it's just, she's about the only thing she hears the past few weeks since she's woken up. And trust me when I say she talks a lot. She both loves it and hates it.

The kitchen staff is scared of her and the guards are scary. So that leaves her mother. Her perky mother.

Anna's eye twitches. Too bloody perky.

Anna stops and watches as her mother continues walking and chatting, not noticing that her own daughter stopped following.

Anna turns to her guard and she tilts her head, noticing his slightly confused face.

"Sorry, I was a little annoyed with her constant chatting and I want to see how far she will go before she notices I'm not right besides her." Anna says

That sparks an emotion. The guard pursed his lips, stoping the smile from growing on his face. "I've known your mother for years Lady Grindelwald, I understand." The guard says

Anna skips over to him. "Your hair is like mine, I like it, it really suits you." Anna says

The guard chuckles. "Thank you my lady." The guard says "you know I'm no lady." Anna says "I know but you look like one, unless you rather be called Miss Grindelwald? But I feel as if it makes you sound old." The guard says

"True, I'll allow it." Anna says with a firm nod. "Now tell me almighty guard of mine, what is your name, I can't just call you guard in my head, unless you'll like me to refer you as golden eyes." Anna ask

The guard shakes his head with a small laugh. "No my lady, call me Lestat, it's my last name." Lestat says

Anna leans slightly forward with a raised eyebrow. "And your first." Anna ask

Lestat shakes his head. "It's not appropriate my lady, just call me Lestat." Lestat says

"Fine golden eyes it is." Anna chirps

Lestat chuckles, shaking his head.

"Annabelle Ariana Grindelwald." Came the scolding voice of her mother.

Anna sighs while Lestat sends her an amused look. "Oh no she pulled out the full name." Anna says


Queenie now had an arm looped with her daughters, forcing her to be at her side permanently.

"Now come along, we have to get you a new wand, since your old one got lost in your fathers mess, and trust me, I tried looking for it but you know how bottomless your fathers office is." Queenie says

The thought saddens her, another thing lost in the past.


The trio enter Ollivanders wand shop.

Ollivander brightens significantly when he sees the three. "Ahh Annabelle, when I heard of your return, I did hope you would come visit. You look as beautiful as the first time I saw you." Ollivander says

Anna gives him a small smile. "And you look just the same, I'm glad a few things haven't changed." Anna says

Ollivander chuckles. "So you've come for a new wand?" Ollivander asks "I guess so." Anna says

Ollivander hums and he walks over to the shelves.

"This will do, Chestnut, 12", Unicorn hair. Like the first, except yours was Veela hair." Ollivander says

Anna gently picks up the wand but suddenly a white beam shoots out and almost hits Lestat, who dodges and stares wide eyed at Anna.

"Oops sorry." Anna says, cringing.

Ollivander chuckles. "I guess not." Ollivander says, gently taking the wand from Anna's hands.

Ollivander opens another box. "Now this one I'm a bit hesitant, it's a bit on the rarer side, a yew wand, 13", dragon heartstring." Ollivander says

When Anna picks up the wand, she's immediately filled with a warm feeling, she couldn't help but close her eyes. It felt like home.

"Perfect. I do wish others were as easy to choose for. Usually these type of wands is reputed to endow its possessor with the power of life and death, currently there is only one more who has almost this exact wand, it's mate, but the carrier...is long gone." Ollivander says

Anna opens her eyes with a small smile. "It is perfect." Anna says


The three walk out of Ollivanders wand shop.

"It's a beautiful wand." Queenie says

Anna nods with a smile, admiring the fine white wood, tracing the line work. "Why don't I get your books while you go grab your owl, Hagrid will help you look." Queenie says

When Hagrids name was said, Anna's head automatically snaps up and she smiles widely when she see the happy half giant.

"Hagrid." Anna exclaims, running over. She automatically hugs the bearded man. Hagrid laughs joyously.

"It's been too long Annabelle." Hagrid says, returning her hug, careful of the bag in his hand.

"Oooh I've missed you so much." Anna says

"Me too." Hagrid says


Henry Cavill as Lestat
The guard

Henry Cavill as LestatGryffindor The guard

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