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"We are addicted to our thoughts

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking."
-Santosh Kalwar


Down at the Halloween Party.

"Where are Remus and Anna." Sirius shouts over the music.

Dorcas pauses and she finally notices the missing duo. "Huh, I have no idea, the last time I saw them, they went to get a drink, I think that was an hour ago." Dorcas says

"That's weird....do you think there okay." Sirius asks

His question is answered when he spots Anna and Remus entering the dance hall, both giggling. Remus reaches over and flattens Anna's hair, leaning down to kiss her.

Sirius quickly looks away, swallowing harshly.

"They're a really cute couple, just wasn't who I was expecting her to end up with." Dorcas says

Sirius looks and turns to Dorcas. "What do you mean." Sirius asks

Dorcas smiles. "Don't worry about it, it's too late now." Dorcas says


"You guys were gone awhile." Marlene teases, making Remus blush and tighten his hold around Anna's waist.

Anna smiles. "We spilled some punch on our costumes so we tried to get the stain out but as you can see we failed, but it doesn't matter, at least they suit the costumes." Anna says

Marlene smirks. "Of course, I mean it takes an hour long to just fail." Marlene teases "yup." Remus pops

Anna chuckles, shaking her head in amusement. "Come on Marlene, let's go dance." Anna says, pulling away from Remus, who pouts.

The girls giggle and move to the dance floor.


"Okay what were you guys really doing." Marlene asks, dancing in Anna's arms.

Anna softly blushing. "Let's just say that we did not try to clean the stain on our costumes." Anna says playfully.

Marlene gasps. "You guys boned!" Marlene exclaims

Anna shushes her. "Okay yes we did, but don't yell it out so every can hear, I don't want people too know." Anna says

Marlene giggles. "Way to go, player." Marlene teases

Anna rolls her eyes. "I'm no player Mars, it was just one night with one amazing guy." Anna says

"Do you think he's going to ask you to be his girlfriend." Marlene asks "I don't know." Anna says

"What does that mean." Marlene asks, confused.

"It was just one night, it doesn't mean we're in a committed relationship." Anna says "wow, you have commitment issues." Marlene teases

"W-what no!" Anna lies, flushing.

Marlene chuckles. "Perfect Anna is not so perfect." Marlene jokes "is that how you guys see me, do you really think I'm perfect?" Anna asks

Marlene shrugs. "Perfect white hair, perfect white teeth and perfect white skin. And not to mention, your unnaturally kind and you have a gorgeous smile." Marlene says

"Okay I burn easily, and I brush my teeth and my hair was a genetic given to me by my parents and it dirties easily." Anna says

Marlene chuckles. "Wow, you really hate being called perfect?" Marlene asks

Anna shrugs. "It's all I've ever been called growing up, the perfect daughter, the perfect girlfriend, the perfect girl. I'm human, I make mistakes and it's infuriating to be called perfect." Anna says

"Wow...I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt like that." Marlene says "it's fine, it's stupid, I mean most people would love to be called perfect but it's just different when that's expected of you." Anna says

"I get it, my parents want a straight daughter who will give them grandchildren, I mean they love me and everything but I can see the looks they give me when I bring home a girl, it's like they think I can't control myself or that I'm a embarrassment." Marlene says

"I'm so sorry." Anna says

Marlene shrugs. "I've grown used to it I guess, I mean it use to be worse but now I'm sixteen and I don't let it get to me like it use to be." Marlene says

Anna smiles. "I completely understand. There used to be a few girls that I had fancied, but I was never allowed to truly want them either." Anna says, Victoria for awhile, had been the object of Anna's desire. She never let Tom know, she didn't let anyone know.

In the forties, it would get you killed to like the same sex and Anna's pleased to see how much it's changed.

Marlenes lips spread in a pleased grin. "Fantastic....just so you know, if this thing with you and Remus doesn't work, I'm always single." Marlene teases

Anna chuckles. "You'll have to wait in line Mars, because I'm already in the front of it." Came a teasing voice from behind them.

The girls turn to see a smirking Dorcas. "Why don't I let you guys dance for awhile, I'm going to grab something bite on." Anna says

The girls watch her leave.


"You've left me." Remus teases

Anna looks up from her seat and she chuckles. "Sorry Remus." Anna says

Remus smirks and he sits besides her. Anna was looking down at the dance floor. "They're beautiful together aren't they." Anna asks

Remus turns to see where she's looking at and he smiles.

Marlene and Dorcas were slow dancing, giggling. "I agree with you there. Me and the others have a long standing bet on when there getting together. They're too pig headed to push aside their egos long enough to ask out the other." Remus says

"When do you think they're getting together." Anna asks "seventh year, hopefully they've matured enough by then." Remus says, stealing one of Anna's grapes, popping it into his mouth.

Anna giggles, grabbing a grape and softly throwing it at his face, making him mock gasp. "Annabelle random middle name Snow, I expected this from the others but not you!?" Remus says in faux offense.

Anna laughs. "Random Middle Name?" Anna asks

Remus chuckles. "I don't know your middle name." Remus says "it's Ariana." Anna says

"It's a pretty name." Remus says "thanks, it was given to me on my birthday." Anna jokes

Remus groans, shaking his head. Anna chuckles. "What too cheesy." Anna asks

Remus chuckles, nodding. "Yeah too cheesy." Remus says with a bright smile on his lips.


With Marlene and Dorcas.

"I've never seen him smile so big before, Anna's good for him." Dorcas says

"Pity." Marlene says "I agree." Dorcas sighs

"Do you think Anna will overcome her commitment issues to be with him." Marlene asks, worried. "The last guy really hurt her, I'm just praying that Anna doesn't hurt Remus." Dorcas says

"Should we warn him." Marlene asks, she really likes Anna, and she can tell that Remus really likes her too.

Dorcas shakes her head. "We can't interfere, we can only hope for the best." Dorcas says

Dragons Soul • (Sirius Black, Remus Lupin) • The Marauder Era • CompleteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ