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"Every son quotes his father, in words and in deeds

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"Every son quotes his father, in words and in deeds."
–Terri Guillemets


Great Hall.

Anna was silently eating her lunch, while Dorcas whispers into her ear, making Anna giggle.

"Stop." Anna whines

Dorcas smirks but her eyes move up and she silently and evilly giggles. "Guess who's here." Dorcas asks

"I'm not going to look up because I know exactly who your talking about. He can't know that you know." Anna says

Dorcas pouts.

"Hey Anna." Remus whispers

Anna looks and she softly smiles. "Hey Remus." Anna says, her stomach swooping as memories of this morning comes up.

Remus awkwardly clears his throat and he sits down a seat down from her, cringing.

Sirius and James burst into the Great Hall and they make their way over. Sirius jumps onto a seat besides Anna and he places an arm around her shoulder.

"Sooo, Remus got laid." Sirius says

Remus stiffens and he sends a glare at Sirius, grinding his teeth. Anna cringes and she sends Remus a look, who avoids her gaze.

Dorcas snickers in her ear, making Anna swat at her. "That's great for Remus." Anna says, she avoided her gaze, realizing if she was mad, then she's a hypocrite.

"What about you Bella, want to get laid." Sirius leers, making Anna roll her eyes, only to lift an eyebrow when she feels a hand on her thigh.

"Get your damn hand off me." Anna sneers

Sirius chuckles and he does what she says. Remus stiffens in his seat, jealous.

"Annabelle Gr-Snow." A teasing voice says from behind her, making Anna stiffen when he almost says her last name and she turns, gritting her teeth.

The guys stiffen. "What the hell do you want Crouch." James sneers "nothing from you, I just want a word with dear old Anna." Barty says

Anna sighs and she moves to stand but Sirius tightens his hold on Anna's thigh, making her look down at his hand before looking back up to meet Sirius's worried gaze. "You don't have to go with him Bella." Sirius whispers softly.

"Don't worry Black. I'll be fine." Anna says standing, only to bend down and kiss Sirius on the cheek. The two completely freeze in shock.

It was something she used to do with Tom, it was a force of habit. Anna cringes. "Sorry, that was a force of habit." Anna says, pulling away.

"Yeah Anna did that to me too many times to count, she's trying to break out of it." Marlene lies when she realizes the remorse in Anna's eyes.

Sirius probably looked a little like her ex.

Dragons Soul • (Sirius Black, Remus Lupin) • The Marauder Era • CompleteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora