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"Pacify her

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"Pacify her."
-Melanie Martinez


Anna groans, covering her head from the harsh sunlight that peaked past her curtains.

Remus chuckles and he gently tugs the blanket.

"Nooo!" Anna whines, trying and failing to pull the blanket over her head.

"Come on Annabelle, drink some water." Remus ask, Anna groans and she sits up, taking the water from Remus's hand. Remus smiles watching her.

Anna gratefully hands Remus the empty glass, reaching over and grabbing her hair tie, tying up her hair.

Remus chuckles and he gently pats Anna's forehead with a wet rag. Anna smiles lazily, feeling much better. "Your the best Remi." Anna says

Remus smiles. "You drank a lot last night, I knew that the morning is going to be a nightmare." Remus says

Anna smiles. "Your a lifesaver Remus." Anna whines, reaching over and pulling Remus into a hug.

Remus stiffens, but he returns the hug, awkwardly, smiling to himself.



Remus and Anna were cleaning the mess the others had left. "What are you doing." Remus ask, watching Anna lean over something. Anna stiffens, startled.

"Bloody hell, Remus don't do that." Anna whines, standing straight.

Remus chuckles and he makes his way over. "Wait are those dragon eggs." Remus asks in awe.

Anna nods, gently caressing one of the eggs, picking it up. "Anna what the hell, put it down." Remus yells

Anna turns and she looks at him confused. "What why." Anna ask

Remus quickly grabs the egg, hissing in pain. Remus sets the egg back on the hot coal. "Anna that was on hot coal." Remus says, trying to cool his fingers, reaching over and grabbing Anna's hands, examining her palms.

Remus looks up and meets Anna's eyes. "What the hell, your okay." Remus breaths

"Yeah I am....oh Merlin! Remus your fingers!" Anna yells, examining Remus's fingers which were red and blistered.

"It's okay Anna...your completely fine." Remus breaths, still in shock.

"Come on, sit down." Anna says, pulling Remus towards her bed, sitting him down, conjuring up a bowl filled with water and a small rag.

Anna also conjures up a healing ointment.

Remus flinches when she applies the cold rag onto his fingers. "How did you not burn your fingers." Remus asks

"I don't know, but are you okay Remus." Anna asks, gently massaging the healing ointment into his fingers.

"I'm fine....I mean how are you fine!" Remus asks, still trying to wrap it around his head.

"I really don't know Remi." Anna says, her eyes earnest and wide as she stares into his worried ones.

Remus sighs and watches as Anna bandages his fingers. "Thanks Anna." Remus says "well it was my fault you got burned in the first place." Anna says

Remus chuckles, lightly grazing Anna's fingertips, eyes moving up and meeting Anna's.

Remus's heart begins pounding, he doesn't know whether if it's from the full moon coming or if it's Anna.

Remus knows it's both.

Remus swallows harshly as he leans into Anna, licking his lips. Anna eyes move down and she stares at his wet lips before looking back into Remus's eyes.

Remus brings up his bandaged hand and he gently cups Anna's face.

But before their lips can meet, Dorcas burst in, making the two fall back in panic.

Dorcas pauses what she was about to say and she looks at the two in confusion. "Uhh, are you guys okay." Dorcas asks

Anna jumps to her feet and she clears her throat. "Ohh yeah, you just scared me." Anna says

Remus's face was red as he stands up from the bed. "Well you guys completely missed classes because you decided to torture yourselves and clean the dorm." Dorcas says

Anna chuckles and she stands from her chair. "Well it's not going to clean itself and Remus offered to help." Anna says

Remus smiles. "It was no problem....uh...well, I'm going to my dorm." Remus says, meeting Anna's gaze briefly before standing up from the bed.

"Bye Remus." The girls say, Anna's gaze lingers at the doorway for a moment longer then necessary. Dorcas automatically turns to Anna. "Oh my god, were you about to kiss Remus!" Dorcas ask

"I think I was." Anna breaths

"Do you like him?" Dorcas ask "I think so but that can never happen." Anna says, running a hand through her hair, which was a bit of a tangled mess.

"Why." Dorcas asks

"I swore off dating remember." Anna says "okay that's a bunch of crap Anna, you can't just swear off dating." Dorcas says

"I'm not over my ex." Anna reminds. Dorcas softens and she makes her way over to Anna. "I'm sorry Anna, I'll stop pushing." Dorcas says

Anna shrugs with a small smile. "I'm fine, I'm just taking it slow." Anna says

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