"Can't you let me finish?" He asked, obviously irritated, staring longingly at the water fountain.

"No, this is more important than water." I said as I dragged him back to Leah.

"Okay, tell her Drew. About Jared cheating on her." I said while folding my arms across my chest.

Leah looked at him, waiting."What do you mean?" Drew asked.

"What? You know what I mean. About Jared with that girl at the bowling alley." I replied getting angrier by the minute. How does he not know what I mean?

"I don't know what your talking about, Kait. Jared didn't cheat on Leah." He said simply and walked away.

I stared after him, open mouthed. How can he be doing this? He was with me at the bowling alley, we both saw Jared with that girl. I thought that he would be on my side, I can't believe he lied saying that Jared didn't cheat on Leah. Why is he all of a sudden covering for Jared?

Leah gave me a soft pat on the shoulder. "I'm going to be late for class, Kait. I'll see you later." And with that she picked up her bag and headed down the main hallway, out of my sight.


"Alright, everyone. Eyes up here." Mrs. Larson said pointing to her round blue eyes. I was in Biology class, one of the classes I hated most and couldn't wait till was over.

"You guys are going to pair up and do this work sheet on the heart together. I'll pick your partners and then you can start working. I suggest you keep this room fairly quiet, because I'm going to be grading tests and you wouldn't want me to 'mistakenly' give you a zero." She said giving us a big smile.

I silently groaned. I hated any kind of partner work in this class. None of my friends had Biology with me, so I usually got stuck with some mean snob who makes me do all the work.

"Okay, Shannon and Josh, Micheal and Ashley, Lisa and Samantha, pair up." Mrs. Larson said. She rambled off a couple more names.

She then looked up at me and said "Kaitlyn, your with Jared."

I stared at her for a moment, letting her words sink in. Jared. My partner is Jared. Jared the guy who is cheating on my best friend. Jared who lied and told that same best friend that I was flirting with him. Jared the guy I hate most in the world.

"Go on everyone, partner up." Mrs. Larson said clapping her hands.

I slowly stood up and walked over to the back of the room, where Jared was seated. He had the biggest smirk on his lips, which gave me the urge to punch him. I pushed a desk next to his and sat down. I slammed the work sheet down hard on the desk.

"I see someone's in a pissed off mood today." Jared said, his light blue eyes full of mockery.

"Wipe that smirk off your face." I snapped.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you? 'Cause I'm not. You're just a nobody. No one likes you, the only reason that people might know your name, is because your my girlfriend's best friend. But that's all everyone will know you as, Leah's best friend." He started.

"That's not true." I tried to say in a strong voice, which only ended up shaking.

"Oh it is. Did you ever notice that whenever there's a party or whatever Leah's always the one to invite you, not the person who's actually throwing the party? " He asked menacingly. "She just feels bad that your such a social outcast that she invites you, even if she really doesn't want to."

I tried not to let the words get to me, but they did. I shouldn't let what he's saying hurt me, knowing him he's probably lying, but for some reason they hit a nerve. All these words strike me with a painful sting, because what if there's that chance that he isn't really lying and he's telling the truth. That I'm actually a pathetic nobody, and people only know my name because of Leah.

Once a Cheater, Always a CheaterWhere stories live. Discover now