"When we get back from the tour we should really think about leaving some belongings at each other places," I call up to him measuring out the coffee grounds, but I get no response. "Ryder," I yell again then jump when he sneaks around the corner. 

"Sorry," he mumbles taking a seat at my table and running his hands though his hair.

"No worries," I reassure him pouring the water into the coffee maker and hitting the on button. The coffee pot springs to life and begins to brew. 

I take a seat across from him and reach across to place my hand on his. My phone choses to start to ring though my apartment, but I have no desire to answer the call. Whoever is calling me can wait and if the caller is for work they can defiantly wait. I need to put some boundaries in place. Sure when I didn't have much of a life I don't mind working whenever I was needed, but now I'm in a relationship with someone and changes are going to have to take place. Plus all these years Steel Wolf never abused my personal time, but now with Wicked Minion and how they acted at lunch I can't be so sure they won't respect my time. 

My phone rings again. Ryder raises his dull brown eyes to mine. "Aren't you going to answer?"

I shake my head, "no," and settle more firmly in my seat. The phone continues to ring. Ryder raises an eyebrow at me. We won't be bale to have the conversation we need to have with my phone going off every few moments.

I sigh and stand from my seat. Ryder watches me while I stride to my phone. The caller is Mr. Gear. He probably wants to see how lunch went between the two bands. Last thing I want to do is go into a conversation with him especially with Ryder listening. He doesn't need to hear any negative words Mr. Gear may say about our relationship because he has enough he is dealing with. I do a quick check of the time and see it is past five. Well past the time I'm obligated to answer, but since I always answer he calls me whenever he wants.

I switch my phone to silent, figuring if someone in Steel Wolf needs us they well reach out to Ryder when the can't get through to me. For a second I stand there staring at my phone debating my next steps. My anxiety wins out when my phone buzzes in my hands with another call from Mr. Gear. I don't deny his call only clear it to the side and open my email. Sending out a quick email explaining how I am on my personal time and will call him back in the morning. I also add a quick piece on how lunch went this afternoon hoping my few notes will appease him for the night.

Before I set my phone down my email pings with a response from Mr. Gear. He has never responded so quickly before. My curiosity gets the best of me and I open the email. All he has written is "and so it has already begun". And so it has already begun? What could he be implying? I've always been entitled to my personal time, such verbiage is in my contract. Setting my phone on the counter I decide to decipher Mr. Gear's message at at later date and time. Right now Ryder needs me and he is my number one priority.

I return to the table, but when I go to sit in my chair Ryder pushes his back and pats his lap. "Come sit here." The coffee pot dings letting me know the coffee is ready. 

"I have a better idea how about you go sit in the family room and take our whine glasses with you. I'll pour the coffee and met you in there?"

He nods his head, reaches for the glasses and disappears into the family room. Quickly I ready our coffees not wanting to leave him alone for longer than necessary. With as much grace as possible I try to carefully transport the coffee mugs from the kitchen to the family room without spilling a drop. I set the steaming mug on the table in front of Ryder and notice his letter is sitting in the middle of the table.

Once I set my mug down Ryder opens his arms and I crawl into his lap. He gathers me in his arms and I rest my head on his shoulder. I snuggle against him enjoying being in his arms. 

"So this afternoon was interesting," he starts with running his hands up and down my arms. 

I look into his brown eyes noticing some of the dullness has disappeared. "Very much so. From finding about this mystery guest to the dealings with Wicked Minion..." I trail off.

"To reading the assholes letter," Ryder finishes for me. He sighs and let's his head fall back against the couch. "Now I need to grow a pair and open the fucking thing."

I slightly turn in his arms to run my fingers down his chest. "Ryder we can open the letter whenever you feel ready. Be that today, tomorrow or whenever."

He peeks at me for a moment and sits up. "If I don't open the letter today then I don't believe I ever will. The unknown will continue to eat away at me." 

Ryder reaches over me and tears the envelope open. A single page slides out. So much anguish over a single piece of paper, but the written words are causing the anguish not the actual paper. He flips the folded page over and over with his hands staring at the letter with unblinking eyes. Step one open the envelope, but now we must conquer step 2 unfolding the letter. 

I'm glad he is reading his letter with me here. This way I can offer him any support he may need. I fear if he was to do this alone he might relapse to escape the pain. Yet there is still a chance he could return to a world of being numb even with me being here. I pray he comes to one of us before he turns to the drugs. 

I kiss the side of his face and he turns to me with a smile. "I love you," he say anxiously.

"Love you too Ryder," I reassure him.

He takes another deep breath and one more glance in my direction then he unfolds the letter. Ryder sits back so I'm leaning against him and he has his arms on either side of me so we can both see the content of the letter. But I wait for him to read out loud instead of reading the letter myself.  

"Dear Ryder," he starts. "How are you and Mason doing? I would write to Mason, but I figure out of the two of yeah you would be the only one to actually read the thing. I sometimes catch Steel Wolf on the radio when I'm working in the kitchen. No one here believes me when I tell them the two of you are my sons because neither one of you mention my name when you talk about family. Want you to know how proud I am of the both of you. Shame I wasn't there to celebrate in your successes." He crinkles the letter at this point. 

I rest my hand on his arm. "You don't have to keep reading if you don't want to." 

"Yes I do," he says with conviction. He unfolds the letter and smooths the crinkles out. "But all of that can be water under the bridge. You see I've been having a lawyer go though my entire case again and he believes he may have found a loop hole for me to get early release. Now he says this will be a long journey and may take up to years before I can be a free man once more. But I have hope. Something I haven't had since I was locked up. I hate how blinded you and Mason were forced to be over everything that happened all those years ago. What you saw was not at all what you thought and now I may have the ability to fix all the lies." Ryder pauses once more.

"Ryder," I ask softly. His eyes are in complete turmoil and I can't tell where his head is at. What I can figure out where ever he is can't be good. 

He continues reading without responding to me. "I hate to ask this of you, but would you be able to send me some money so I can continue to pay for the lawyer. Now if you can't I understand and I will figure something out on my end. But if you could spare me something I would greatly appreciate it. What happened to our family was a complete tragedy no denying that, but now I will be able to fix everything. Can't wait for when I'll be able to see you in person. Till then love you son. Dad." 

Ryder sits back on the couch and I turn so I'm sitting sidewise with my legs tucked underneath me, but still facing him. I wait for him to say something not wanting to push him either further over the edge. At first he sits there staring at nothing, but then his face turns range. He yells and begins to ripe the letter into tiny pieces till none is left. 

Then he leans his elbows on his knees, rest his head in his hands and sobs. I rub his back trying to comfort him best I can. After a few moments he lifts his head and his red rimmed eyes meet mine. 

"Sweetheart," he says in such pain tears spring to my eyes.

"I'm here," I tell him gently brushing his hair from his face. "I will always be here. I love you." 

He gathers me tightly in his arms. We fall asleep on the couch with me wrapped tightly in his arms and not once does he comment on the letter.     


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