"Well, I was right. Something doesn't fit right." Aizawa comes back, and we both look at him. "Mirko says (Y/N) was acting weird all day and caused problems for everyone and at the end decided to leave and told her she would rather die than be a hero."

What the fuck?!

"(Y/N) would never say that!" Both All Might and I say at the same time.

"I know, so you're either right about the mind control, or something else is going on here." he sits on the couch in front of us and starts thinking.

We spend a good hour trying to come up with theories and locations we could check to see if they are there. But we couldn't come up with anything solid to follow up on, and we had to stop and consult the police about it.

Aizawa told me to get back to the dorms and to stay there. Running around town trying to find them will not help us in any way, and even though I know that, I hated to just sit back and wait.

I needed to go to her house and tell her parents, but All Might was against it. He took the responsibility to go tell her parents and told me to go get some rest. How can anyone rest when something like this is happening.

God... What should I do?

I had no choice but to go back to the dorms. I feel numb... My mind can't think of anything else but her and what she must be going through now. What he must be doing to her now. Is he hurting her? Is she panicking? Has she lost control? Is there a possibility she has, and that might help her escape?

"Bakugo. Where's (Y/N)?" I look up and find Todoroki in front of me.

"Fuck off, would you? I'm not in the mood today." I manage to say. Hell, if I'm going to tell him how I failed at keeping her safe.

"Did you at least find out what happened to her?" that intrigued me.

"What are you talking about?" I turn to ask him.

"I saw her this morning looking around the dorms. When she saw me, she tried to act all normal, but she was too friendly towards me. (Y/N) isn't energetic with everyone in the class. She actually only acts that way in front of you and Kirishima and your group." he explains.

Energetic? As in bubbly and giddy? (Y/N) is definitely not like that, especially with Todoroki and the rest. She acts like that around us to annoy me and tease me. What the fuck is going on around here!?

"Did she say anything that seemed wrong or out of character?" I ask him.

"I'm not sure. Although I did find it weird that she forgot which floor your room is on, so I had to remind her." forgot? She practically stays there.

"(Y/N) wouldn't forget..." I mumble as I try to think of theories.

I thank Icy-Hot for the information without realizing it, and I text Aizawa what I found out and what I think about it. He told me to text him anything that comes to mind that could help us find her or figure out what exactly happened.

Once I get to the room, I take out both our phones and look over at hers. I see my missed calls on the lock screen, the calls she didn't pick up even though she was fine. What could make her act that way? Is she sacrificing herself to protect us? Are they threatening us to make her join them?

I unlock her phone, and it shows me our chat. There was a voice note that wasn't sent to me. Did she forget to send it? I press it and listen to it.

"Hey, Katuski! Today Mirko seems to have a very long schedule for us, I'm going to die by the end of the day, so I might not be able to help you train today. Sorry, but I don't mind watching you working out; it will still be fun watching you do all that you do. Ahem! Those thoughts are dangerous during work, anyway, don't miss me too much. I love you, Firecracker!"

Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Reader}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat