Ima just... *plop*

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Yay!!!!!! 20 thousand reads! Also, the 50th chapter! (that hasn't been unpublished for one reason or another) In celebration, (and because I most likely won't be using them anyway) here are some funny moments/lines I thought of that never made it into a oneshot. Enjoy!

Luz - "You look really pretty today!" 

Amity (blushing and looking down at herself) - "But... this is just how I look every day." 

Luz (starting to blush slightly as well) - "Exactly!" 

Amity - *gay panic intensifies*

Amity (while petting some animal) - "It seems like it likes me!" 

Luz - "What's not to like?"

Willow's username: SmartyPlants

Gus (before a performance): "Fracture your limbs!"

Luz - "Well, at least I wrote something down." 

Amity - *looks at paper and sees the word 'something' written on it*

Luz - *trips in front of Amity* 

Amity - "Luz! Are you okay?" 

Luz - "Oh, I'm fine, I think I've just fallen for you." 

Amity - *blushing intensifies*

Em (to Boscha?): "Nobody messes with our baby sister like that!" 

Ed: "Well, except us."

Gus can't go into the human appreciation club room so he just peers in through the window and shouts

Amity: "I'm sorry." 

Boscha: "For what?" 

Amity: "For this." *punches her in the face* "Okay, maybe I'm not sorry."

Amity: You'd have to be an idiot to fall in love with me.

Luz: "Well... good thing I'm an idiot."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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