"That's What Friends Do"

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This one's short 'n sweet, but honestly it's one of the ones I'm most hoping will actually become canon. I feel like I just said "one" one time too many.

-several months after Young Blood, Old Souls-

Belos was defeated, but Amity was still falling. Tumbling through the air, her only thought was

I never got to tell Luz how I feel...

Suddenly, she felt herself come to a stop a bit sooner than she had expected. But instead of the abrupt collision she had steeled herself for, she found herself being caught by a familiar pair of tan arms. It wasn't exactly the softest landing, but it was much better than slamming into the ground. She looked up at her rescuer's relieved face.

"Luz..." she said faintly, still weak from the blows the Emperor had inflicted.

"Amity, I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Thanks... for saving me..."

"That's what..." Luz began. Amity thought she knew where this was going; Luz had said it before, and it had broken her heart then as well. No no no, please don't say it. Amity implored silently. Oh, dear Titan, please don't say what I think you're going to say.

"... friends do."

"Oh, I can't take it anymore!" Amity cried out, drawing strength from adrenaline and her irritation with the oblivious human. She had almost died without telling Luz.

Luz tilted her head to the side slightly, puzzled.

Amity grabbed Luz's startled face and kissed her squarely on her soft pink lips, before passing out.

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