The Amazing Spider-Woman AU (Part 3)

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All right, this is going to be my longest oneshot yet, so have fun. Also, this was my first time writing a fight scene so hopefully it's good.

"Whoo! This is so awesome!"

Luz continued to let out shouts of glee, and Amity just chuckled. After begging her for hours, Luz had finally managed to convince her to take her web swinging. At first she was worried that she would accidentally let Luz fall, despite the girl's apparent assurance that Amity would never let that happen. But, to Amity's great embarrassment (and secret delight) Luz came up with the brilliant idea to web her body to Amity's, ensuring that they would literally stick together. Even though the simple thought of her crush being pinned to her side made her shaky, Amity could never stand saying no to Luz for long.

Amity had also been worried that someone they knew might see Luz, and potentially work out her own secret identity, but Luz had somehow already managed to make a mask of her own. She had designed it in the hopes of becoming Amity's sidekick, but Amity had immediately shot her down with so much force that she let it go pretty quickly.

"No way, not happening. I have superpowers, and you don't."

Luz's face had taken on a mock-pained expression.

"Aw, and you're just going to rub it in like that?"

This had made Amity sigh heavily and pinch the bridge of her nose.

"You know that's not what I meant, what if you got hurt? I couldn't live with myself if I let that happen."

Luz could tell how concerned her friend was, so she decided to drop it.

After about twenty minutes, Amity decided that Luz had gotten enough web swinging for the day.

"Wanna go get a coffee or something?"

"Yeah, sure."

Luz normally would have objected to the end of her ride, but she was starting to feel a bit queasy after being slung around so much. Amity landed both of them in a convenient alleyway and quickly hid behind its resident dumpster. She ripped off the webbing connecting the two, and started to pull her normal outfit out of the makeshift web backpack she had made. Luz respectfully turned her head and moved to the other side of the dumpster to allow her friend to change, and after a few moments Amity emerged fully dressed in her plain clothes.

They stopped at their usual cafe, choosing their seats at one of the tables outside. Amity always liked this spot because the light that glinted off Luz's eyes when the sun was at just the right angle in the mornings somehow made her look even prettier than usual. Luz liked the spot because she had a view of the video game store across the street.

Luz was watching Amity as she finished the last few sips of her coffee, which seemed to be mint flavored. Her mind drifted to the mint leaves on top that were almost exactly the same shade of green as Amity's hair. She found herself starting to daydream about running her hands through that hair, before a shrill shriek shook her out of it. People were starting to point and murmur, as a bald man clad entirely in green shot along the row of restaurants and other shops, carrying a silver briefcase. He had a large, pointed nose that sort of reminded Luz of a beak. But that wasn't the most remarkable thing about him. The thing that really made him stand out was the fact that he was flying. He actually seemed to have grown a pair of wings, which were currently propelling him headlong through the air at rapid speed. More people screamed as they hurried to get out of his way. Suddenly, Luz noticed Amity was slinking away.

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