Reconnecting (Part 1)

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I changed my mind! I've decided I'm going to release this in three parts now over a few days (each part will still be longer than normal), rather than all at once at the end.  Originally I thought there wouldn't be any good points to break it up at, but now that I've finished this first part I realized there were a couple good spots to do so. Enjoy!

Luz was bored. Not only was she in her dullest class, chemistry, (her teacher was nice enough, but he spent about three days on things she picked up in the first ten minutes) but COVID meant that she couldn't even do the actual fun part, the experiments. For a while she had been playing video games by setting her Switch right next to the camera (which at least most of her teachers didn't force to turn on, her chemistry teacher being the primary exception) so she seemed to be paying attention, but her mom took that away when she realized what was happening.

At least now the zoom app let you keep your camera on when you used split screen with other apps, not that her school would ever let her download anything interesting. Sighing as her teacher went over the many steps to a homework problem she had gotten right, Luz decided to open mail because she couldn't think of anything better to do. She scrolled through countless notifications from websites she hadn't figured out how to unsubscribe to for what felt like an hour, until something caught her eye.

Wait... is that?

Luz had completely forgotten that she had gotten Amity's email (which Luz learned actually stood for enchanted mail) when she was still in the Boiling Isles.

A/n: Don't think about it too hard, just assume human technology works with witchy stuff somehow, I needed this for the plot.

Amity had taken a photo of the two of them that Luz loved so much she had to make it her new background. In fact, she still had that photo on her home screen. (Her lock screen was some awesome Azura fanart she had found of the character scoring a goal using the famous thorn vault.)

Luz had been forced to ask her to send an email rather than a text because messages seemed to have been glitching just like her camera app, locking her into only being able to text with her mom. Luckily, she was able to get it fixed once she got back to the human realm, though.

She hadn't talked to the witch in a long time. She didn't have the chance to ask her for any contact info, with how rushed she was to get through the portal six months ago. (But of course you know all about what happened, so I won't bother explaining it all again here.) And she never realized she had her email until just now.

Amity must have forgotten about this email too, she thought. Unless... she just didn't want to talk to me?

Luz shook the thought from her head quickly, she couldn't think like that. She decided to start writing an email, and after many revisions she finally settled on a message she at least didn't hate. That would have to do. She hit send, not wanting to lose her nerve.


Luz Noceda



Hi! So I feel like we haven't talked in a while, because you know... different dimensions. But I just found your email address and thought I'd message you. Anyway, how are you?


-about forty minutes of complete boredom later-

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