A Wedding

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Requested by Igneel/FighterOfDepression/apparently other things! Thanks for the idea, hopefully it turned out good!

Also for context: they're all adults, and for the first scene, imagine basically what Eda looked like in Agony of a Witch, except with purple magic instead of yellow.

"We are gathered here today to witness the formal joining in the legal state of matrimony of this man and this woman, under the authority given and provided by the Emperor's Coven. The essence of commitment is not to be entered lightly, but rather with great consideration and respect for both the other person and oneself."

Amity had trouble holding back a snort. She knew the man before her had no respect for her, and there was no question that she would never respect him. And there was certainly great consideration involved, but on her parents' part rather than hers.

"Vincent and Amity have invited us to share in this celebration as they affirm their love before us, pledge their faith to one another and enter into the joys and privileges of marriage."

Amity glanced at the man she was supposed to be marrying with disgust. She hadn't gotten the chance to know him very well, but it wasn't hard to tell how much of a jerk he was. Marriage with him would be anything but a joy or a privilege.

"If anyone present would object to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace."

A moment of silence. The wedding officiant opened his mouth to continue with the ceremony. He never got the chance.

The doors banged open, a shadowy figure darting inside. The person was surrounded by the glow of a neon purple energy, obscuring their features. The figure paused just inside the doors, one of which was now only attached by a single hinge, and shouted into the vast hall:

"I object!"

The person slammed their staff into the ground before them and a shockwave of purple light rippled around the room, shaking the rows of seats and knocking a few of the gifts for the couple off their table. As the energy around the figure dissipated, she pulled back her hood to reveal...

"Luz!" Amity shouted, feeling a mixture between joy and dread.

"What is the meaning of this?" Oralia Blight demanded, rising from her chair.

"Amity clearly isn't happy!" Luz bellowed with a look of pure resentment, a level of hostility rarely seen on her. "If it isn't obvious enough already by how terrible this guy is, Amity has even outright told me she doesn't want to marry him. She loves someone else!'

Amity's parents were rendered speechless. Luz walked calmly up to where Amity still stood on the slightly raised platform at the front of the room, holding out her hand.

"Shall we go?"

Amity nods fervently, unable to say a word, and takes Luz's outstretched hand in her own. They turn and quietly walk out the door. Everyone else is either too stunned to move, or too scared.

As they made their way past the entrance and into the sunny outdoors, Amity finally spoke up.

"Wow Luz, that was amazing! Thank you."

"No probl-" Luz starts to say, before tripping over a small twig. She tumbled to the muddy ground, dragging Amity along with her by their still connected hands.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry! And now I got your dress all dirty..."

Amity can't help but giggle.


Luz smiled.

"Good thing you didn't do that in there, or it would have ruined how impressive your display was!"

"Impressive?" Luz murmured, making Amity giggle some more, before growing more solemn.

"Seriously though, thank you. I would have done something like that myself, if only I had the strength."

"Of course! And you shouldn't discredit yourself like that; you're one of the strongest people I know, you just need to be more confident in standing up for yourself. Anyway, now you can be with whoever it was you actually wanted to be with..."

Luz tried to hide the sadness in her voice, but Amity still noticed.

"Right... about that..."

Luz cut her off, now fully recovered from her moment of vulnerability.

"Whoever it is, I can help you win them over. I'm sure they'll love you!" I do, anyway... she thought, though she was careful not to say it out loud.

Amity laughed a little despite herself.

"I'm... hoping she already does. And I think she does, as long as I'm reading the signs correctly..."

Luz was confused, but for a reason she couldn't quite explain, she found herself slightly nervous, causing her not to reply. She could feel her mouth going a bit dry.

"Luz, the person I'm in love with..." Amity said softly.

"It's... you."

Just a quick a/n: I didn't write the wedding script part, I mostly used some prewritten thing I found online.

Also, I have now officially finished 'The Owl House Revelations'! I just wanted to let you know in case you're one of those people who like to wait for books to finish before reading them (no judge, that's generally me too). Anyway, it's done now, so have fun!

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