The Necklace

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-At the end of Episode 13 , The First Day-


Principal Bump walked away from me and the other former detention track kids, muttering something about writing a letter about the Basilisk. I look back at my brand new colorful uniform, happy that I finally got to study everything I wanted. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Viney, wearing her new blue and orange outfit.

"Hey, I just wanted to thank you. We finally get to officially study different magic tracks!" she exclaimed, gesturing behind her to Jerbo and Barcus. Without warning, I was being lifted into the air by what felt like a beak. I think I heard Amity giggling. I had almost forgotten that she was still here in the theater. She has a cute laugh...

"Looks like Puddles wants to say thanks too!" Viney's voice brought me back to reality, which was upside down at the moment. I felt my necklace fall out of my shirt and slap against my face. Suddenly, Viney let out a gasp. "What is it?" I ask, before Puddles sets me down again... less than gently.

"That necklace... where did you get it?"

"My mom gave it to me, I've had it for as long as I can remember," I reply almost defensively. "Why?"

"That's... or at least I think... I've never actually seen one before!"

I look down at the necklace. It was a silver chain connected to a small, deep crimson stone in the shape of a heart. "What do you think it is?"

"Can I hold it for a second? I want to make sure..."

I hold it out for her to take, and she rubs it for a second before letting it drop down again around my neck, staring at it in awe.

"Are you going to tell me what it is, or not?"

"It's an Eternus Stone." She said, still looking amazed.

"A what-what stone? What's so special about that?"

"An Eternus Stone! I heard one of the healing track teachers talking about them, they're really rare. Eternus stones have incredible healing powers!"

"Can it heal curses?"

"No, it only works on physical wounds."

"Oh," I replied in disappointment. For a second I had thought I finally found a way to repay Eda for all she's done for me.

"Hold on Viney, you still haven't told me how to use it. Something like this could really come in handy!"

"I think you just need to touch it when you have an injury."

That was simple enough. Hold on, I was always wearing it, so why hasn't it ever healed me? I voice my thoughts to Viney.

"Well, I think I remember the teacher saying something about it not working on the owner, only helping others. Besides, it's destroyed in the healing process, so you should only use it in cases of extreme emergency."

That explains it then. Hopefully I wouldn't have to use it anytime soon, I didn't really want to part with it.

-a couple months later, at the Emperor's Castle-

Belos stood before me seething with rage. He was almost untouchable, but I had just managed to land a brutal hit. I already ran out of glyph papers, but thinking quickly, I had scratched a symbol into the thorny vines holding me down with my fingernail. Stone spikes shot out of the plant and the ground in front of me, piercing Belos. Unfortunately, he quickly recovered and wrapped me in new bindings, this time made of thin magic wires that glowed a bright red.

Up until now, even when we managed to do a little damage, he had simply acted amused. Not anymore. Now he was mad.

I tensed, waiting for the blow that was sure to come, when out of nowhere Amity let out a shout and leaped in front of me, shuddering as she was thrown halfway across the throne room.

The spell rebounded, killing Belos and leaving me with only a lightning shaped scar on my forehead.

(Just kidding!)

Amity's sudden actions seemed to throw Belos off, giving Eda and Lilith enough time to finally land simultaneous final blows with bursts of magic. But I wasn't worried about that anymore.

Amity POV

It hurt all over. I fought the urge to sit up as Luz ran over to me, knowing it would only make the excruciating pain even worse. I could hear her sobbing.

"Amity! Please be okay..."

"I..." I grumbled trying to reassure her. "I'm going to be fine."

She embraced me tightly, and I didn't even care about the new pain that was spreading across my body at her touch. I could see tears streaming down her face.

"That looks serious..." I heard Lilith call out. "We need to get her to someone from the healing coven, but I'm not sure if we can make it there in time."

This made Luz's tears pour out even harder, spilling down her cheeks and onto my torn clothing. Suddenly, she pulled away, fumbling with something. "What are you-"

I could see her pulling out her Eternus Stone. I remembered what that girl had said about it, and clearly Luz did too. But I also remembered what Luz had said about it...

"You can't use that, that's the necklace your mother gave you!" I knew it was important to her, and she was probably even more attached to it now that the portal to the human realm was destroyed, meaning she had lost all means of communicating with her mom.

"Amity, you're way more important to me than some silly necklace!"

I could feel the life draining from me; I was about to pass out from loss of blood.

"Please work..." She pressed the heart shaped stone into my hand, and it slowly dissolved into strings of tiny pink light that flowed into my chest.

Eda tried to pull Luz off of me, but she wouldn't let go. "C'mon kid, let her rest. If that thing really was an Eternus Stone, she'll be just fine in no time."

I was starting to feel better, though I was still slipping into unconsciousness.

"He he... you gave me your heart..." I said almost drunkenly as I laid my head back and everything around me began to fade away.

Was that a blush I saw in the split second before I blacked out?

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