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"Luz! Oh, there you a-"

"Sorry Amity, I'll be back in a minute!" luz yelled over her shoulder as she ran back down the stairs, clutching the thin circular disk she had snagged from the table beside her sleeping bag.

Amity just stood with her mouth still frozen in the middle of forming words, before realizing it was open. She frowned instead; she was not used to being kept waiting, though for Luz she found herself accepting it. It's not like Luz was trying to be rude or prove a point, whatever she was doing seemed urgent.

Amity, after a moment's hesitation, settled onto the squishy mat Luz still slept on. She couldn't help but wonder how the girl could stand not sleeping on a proper bed every night. Her mind wandered as her eyes swept the room. It was relatively empty, yet Luz had still managed to make it appear messy and cluttered. As her eyes swept the floor, she noticed a tiny rectangle with a design reminiscent of a bat. It was the device Luz had explained as the human version of a scroll. Curiously, Amity picked it up and flipped it over. She couldn't help but wonder how humans could have possibly replicated the functions of a scroll without magic. After a bit of fiddling, she finally managed to turn it on by pressing the button on the front. She began her investigation.

The upper left square was an icon with the date on it, just a calendar. However, the colorful pattern next to it caught her attention. The symbol vaguely resembled a flower, and the label underneath read 'Photos.' Instantly interested, she clicked on it. What greeted her was a huge mash of images, many of which were drawings of characters she didn't recognize. Amity also noted that Luz had an unhealthy number of otter pictures, though she did have to admit they looked pretty cute. The latest couple of photos seemed to be of Luz, so Amity tapped on the first one. To her surprise, it turned out to be a video rather than an image. It suddenly struck Amity how personal this could be, and how her snooping might even be considered a bit creepy. But Luz wouldn't mind, would she? It'll be fine. Amity gave in to her curiosity and pressed play. The Luz on the screen immediately launched into an explanation of her battle and escape from the Emperor, as if she was telling her mom about it. Even though she had already heard all of this, Luz seemed so excited about it that she couldn't stop herself from listening to the whole thing.

"It's a strange feeling, having gone through so much and not having you here to share it with. And I don't know when or how I'm gonna see you again. But I will find my way home to you. I promise. Deja una luz puesta para mí. Te quiero."

Amity couldn't understand the very last thing Luz said, but it was clearly meant just for her mom anyway. She was a little reluctant to watch the other video, since the last had ended with such a personal message to her mom, but she yearned to see more. She swiped over to the next video and hit play.

"I really miss you mom, it feels so weird not being able to at least text you. I'm still working on trying to find a way back, but I haven't found anything yet. It's been a while..."

Luz looked away for a moment, seeming downcast. Amity was about to stop the video; this felt like a far too personal invasion of privacy, but then Luz looked back up at the camera with a spark of determination in her eyes.

"But I'm not giving up! Especially since I've got so many amazing people helping me... like Amity."

This certainly caught the witch's attention.

"We didn't exactly get off on the right foot, but as I've gotten to know her more we've become better and better friends. I really like her... I..." Luz rubbed her arm, looking uncharacteristically shy. "I actually think I kinda... have a crush on her..."

Amity just sat with her mouth hanging open.

"I can never tell her though, I don't want to scare her off or anything! There's no way she likes me like that, and I don't want to mess up one of the few great friendships I have. She's amazing though, I think you would really like her. Sh-"

But Amity didn't hear anything else the recording of Luz said, because just then the real Luz snatched the phone from her hands. She paused a moment, looking at the dazed, flustered expression on Amity's face before bolting out with a bright red face. Amity couldn't quite tell whether it was from embarrassment, anger or some mixture of the two. Finally escaping her almost petrified state, the witch jumped up and took off after her.

Amity only caught up with the girl when she reached the front door, since it took a second for Hooty to get out of the way.


She grabbed Luz's shoulder, spinning her around to see a few tears spilling down her face.

"Luz!" she repeated, grabbing her by the shoulders to keep them facing each other.

"Don't cry, please don't cry! I'm really sorry I looked through your scroll thing, I shouldn't have intruded like that."

Luz met her gaze but still appeared rather small.

"I'm not really mad, just... exactly how much did you hear?"


Luz continued her silent sobbing, shoulders heaving even more violently this time.

"Don't cry! I like you too!"

Luz took a moment to regain her breath.

"Wait... you mean... what exactly do you mean by like?"

"I mean I... well, I like you like you."

Luz broke out in a huge grin despite the tears still falling the rest of the way down her cheeks. She hugged Amity tightly, and the witch tensed at first but then melted into the embrace.

"Now I wish you had stolen my phone ages ago," Luz muttered teasingly.

"I didn't st-" Amity started to reply defensively, but she instantly stopped when she felt Luz's lips being lightly pressed to her own.

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