I'm Okay With That

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Amity, still wondering why Luz had brought her here, remained silent. Luz didn't say a word either, instead sliding her back down the truck of the tree to sit at its base and stare off the cliff.

The Grom tree.

Their tree.

Amity, still curious and feeling a nervousness she couldn't quite explain, settled down beside her. She was careful to stay a foot away. 

Amity glanced at Luz as Luz continued to look off into the distance. Finally, she turned to the witch and spoke.

"Amity, I..." Luz took a breath as if steeling herself "I have a crush on you."

Amity turned bright red and opened her mouth to respond, but Luz cut her off before she could respond.

"I know you don't like me like that, heck I'm not always sure why you even like me at all, but I think I'm okay with that. I think I'm fine just being friends, as long as you still want to be. I'm sorry, I'm sure I've made everything awkward, but I really wanted to tell you. I couldn't just keep it bottled up for much longer, and I wanted you to know how much you mean to me. I know we've only known each other for a little while, but I really want to be closer to you, as friends of course. You're amazing Amity, kind and sweet and so fun to be around. I really like you, and I know this is a lot but I just wanted to finally tell you."

Amity was stunned into complete silence. She could even feel tears begin to well in her eyes, and Luz seemed to notice them too.

"Are you... crying?"

Luz's face took on a soft, concerned expression.

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"I like you too," Amity said softly, looking away.

Luz opened her mouth, but froze as she tried to process what Amity had just said.

"You... what?"

"I like you too!" Amity shouted this time.

Luz still couldn't seem to fully comprehend the words so Amity wrapped her arms around her neck and pulled her close, pressing their lips together. It was a somewhat sloppy kiss but neither cared, and they didn't pull away for almost a minute.

"Idiot," Amity muttered affectionately. Luz couldn't stop a huge grin from spreading across her face.

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