I wasn't fine, I was no where close to fine. I had lost the love of my life, he was shot to death and wasn't coming back. I sighed and set the half eaten chocolate cube back down in the box. " He's not coming back Grace," I said calmly. I looked up, " I should've been looking behind us as we walked to the front doors and now because of me, the next leader of the Brambilla family mafia gang is dead." I sighed and looked at grace, " they're all going to blame me because he died in my arms."

I didn't know I was crying until Grace pulled me into a warm hug. I squeezed my eyes shut and cried into her shoulder, this feeling happened too many times. " I need him," I sobbed. I shook my head and hugged Grace harder, " I-I can't do this without him." Letting me cry out all my pain, Grace rubbed my back and held me close to her. " If I've met any woman who can take care of an entire mafia gang Thalia, it's you," Grace said. I leaned back and whipped my face off, " I-I don't know how to do this without him. I've had no lessons over leading a mafia gang, I know nothing about Antonio's work, everything is just so, sudden." Grace sighed and nodded, " Antonio knows you can do this." I looked up at Grace, " he sees you in the same way I do," Grace said. I slightly frowned, Grace smiled. " Thalia you are an amazing, beautiful, brave, powerful, extraordinary woman. If the Brambilla family needed one thing to make their gang better, it would be a woman like you." More tears filled my eyes, gosh, why was I such a crybaby.

" Thank you," I sighed. I sniffed and smiled, " I need more chocolate." Grace chuckled and handed me the entire box, " there, have the rest." I looked at her and smiled, " what would I do without you?" Grace shrugged chuckled, " I don't know."

                                         - - -
I took a bite of the apple pie Mrs. Brambilla and I made about an hour ago. Some people sat outside, some ate in the dinning room, and some were in the kitchen. I felt like I was the only know who was aware of Antonio's death. No one else seemed to talk about it or care. It kinda hurt me that Antonio's own family didn't morn over his death. He was the next mafia leader of the Brambilla gang, yet no one gave a shit about his death.

I finished off my pie and walked over to the sink. Kids ran around, half eaten pies and bowls of ice cream dotted the table. I placed my plate in the sink, my hands began to slightly shake. I gripped the edge of the sink and looked down at the dirty dishes. I felt myself begin to tear up, I didn't know how long until I could hold all this back. After hearing about Antonio and his two weeks with Evelina, I completely broke down and wasn't my self for weeks. I knew that within seconds, if I didn't compose myself, I'd be in that same position I was in before.

A little girl ran up to me and handed me a plate that had a small piece of apple pie left on it. I looked down at her and smiled, " thank you so much." The little girl smiled before she spun around and ran off. I walked over to the trash can and was about to dump the remains on the plate into the trash, when I looked up at the kitchen doorway. My heart stoped, the color in my face immediately disappeared, my jaw slightly dropped. My hands went numb, causing me to drop the glass plate onto the ground. Everyone turned their head in my direction at the loud crashing sound of glass breaking. Tears filled my eyes as my heart thumped loudly in my chest. My arms began to shake, breathing became physically impossible. A thick knot grew in my throat, my chest caved inward. I stared into a pair of beautiful green eyes.

" Oh my god," I whimpered. Antonio put his hands in his suit pants pocket and smiled. " You think you can get rid of me that easily?" Antonio asked jokingly. Tears streamed down my face. Without hesitation, I ran over to Antonio and jumped into his arms. A softly chuckle came out of Antonio's mouth as he stumbled back several steps. I wrapped my arms around Antonio's neck and buried my face into the side of his neck. The smell of his cologne seeped into my body, I tightened my grasp around Antonio's neck. Antonio hugged me tightly, " I missed you." I shook my head, " never do that shit to me again, okay?" Antonio grinned and nodded, " yes ma'am." I shook my head and scoffed, " don't ever leave me again, okay?" " Okay," Antonio said. " Promise me god damn it," I said pulling Antonio closer to me. Antonio grinned and kissed the side of my face, " I promise."

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