Chapter 52

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I lay in bed with my phone up to my ear, talking to Grace. Antonio was in the other room, on a call with someone from work. " What time did you two end up going to bed last night?" Grace asked me. " Uh, four I think," I said rubbing my face. Grace was quiet for a second, " wait a damn minute." I mentally groaned, " did you and Antonio have sex!" Grace exclaimed.

Thank god Antonio wasn't in bed with me, I knew he'd be able to hear Grace yelling through the phone.

I peeled the phone away from me ear, I was still drunk from last night and graces yelling wasn't helping at all. " OH MY GOD MY BEST FRIEND HAD SEX!" Grace yelled. I winced as a dull ache formed in my head. " How do you even know I had sex?" I asked. " We'll for starters, you sound like a zombie," Grace explained. " And I know as a fact you didn't stay up to talk about Antonio's work or watch a movie." I couldn't help but smile. " Am I right?" Grace asked. " Maybe," I said rolling back onto my other side. " Thalia Damitra Galonos, why didn't you tell me you had sex?" Grace asked me. " I didn't know I had to inform my best friend about my sexual activities," I said. Grace scoffed, " you automatically inform me about your sexual activities, without hesitation." I shook my head and closed my eyes. " Wait a minuet," Grace said. " Why am I getting the feeling you've had sex before?" I smiled, " THALIA!" Grace yelled into the phone. I winced again, my headache was worsening. " You're a bitch," Grace said. I chuckled, " I love you too." Grace laughed, " I can't believe you lost your virginity before me." I sighed and stared up at the ceiling, " honestly I'm surprised too." Grace scoffed, " it's taking me a while to process all this information." " What do you have to process?" I asked. " I had sex, it was bound to happen sooner or later." " How are you saying that so, dryly?" Grace asked me. " You had sex with Antonio Brambilla, you lost you virginity to the most dangerous, wealthiest, and hottest man in all of Italy." I grinned, damn right Antonio was the hottest man in all of Italy.

I heard Antonio ending his work call, so I decided to hurry up and end mine with Grace. " I gotta go," I said sitting up. " What, no!" Grace exclaimed. I smiled, " you need to tell me about everything between you and Mr. Sex machine." I shook my head, " you're unbelievable." Grace chuckled, " okay fine, but don't every forget to tell me when you and Antonio have sex again." I scoffed and said sarcastically, " yes ma'am."

I hung up right as Antonio walked back into the room. " Was that Grace?" Antonio asked. I nodded, " yeah, I've been forgetting to call her." Antonio set his phone down and rubbed the bridge of his nose. " You okay?" I asked. Antonio smiled, " yeah, just work problems." I nodded, " same people?" Antonio looked at me, " yeah." " Who?" I asked. Antonio stared at me, like he didn't know what to say. " Uh, no one," Antonio said. I slightly frowned, " do I know them?" " Nah, they're apart of a smaller agency," Antonio said. " Agency?" I asked. " Uh, business," Antonio corrected himself. I pulled down the sheet covers and got out of bed, Antonio smiled at me. Confused at first, I realized what I was still in. " Eyes up here Mr," I said as I walked into the bathroom Antonio grinned and followed me into the bathroom. A smile slowly spread across Antonio face as he saw me limp as I walked past him. " I think those should've stayed on the ground," Antonio said eyeing my scandalous attire. " And I'm glad you put ur pants back on," I said putting my hair into a messy bun. Antonio slid his fingers underneath my bra strap and pulled me against his bare chest.

I help back a smile as Antonio planted kisses from my neck, all the way down to my shoulder and collarbone. " You need to hurry up and get ready," I said. " You only have an hour to get ready and get to your office." My bra strap suddenly unclipped, my hands immediately shot up and grabbed both my breasts. Antonio let out a soft chuckle, he took out my messy bun and wrapped my entire head of hair into his hands. Antonio slightly tugged my head back, I smiled as the back of my head rested on Antonio's shoulder. " Take your hands off," Antonio whispered into my ear. I smiled, " can I please get ready without you breathing down my neck?" Antonio smiled, his warm breathe tingled against my cold skin. " I'm staying weather you like it or not," Antonio said. I rolled my eyes, Antonio's empty hand slithered down my side and began pulling down my lacey thong. My hand immediately shot down and grabbed Antonio's hand. " What the hell are you doing?" I asked. " Helping you undress," Antonio said. I scoffed, " you did that perfectly fine last night, I can do it by myself." Ignoring me, Antonio pried one of my hands that was holding up my bra, off me. My bra fell onto the ground, the only thing covering me up was Antonio's well built arms. Antonio kissed the tip of my ear, I smiled as his warm fingers began to rub the side of my right boob. " Let go of me," I chuckled. " You and I both need to get ready." Antonio began kissing my neck, I knew he was leaving marks by how hard he was kissing me.

Finally, I managed to break free from Antonio's grasp. I brought my hand back up to my chest and covered myself. Antonio rolled his eyes, " I've already seen you ass naked." " I'm not self conscious dickwad," I said. " I'm fucking cold." Antonio sighed, " now can you please get out so I can take a shower?" I asked annoyed. Antonio eyed the shower then looked back at me. " No," I said sternly, knowing what he was thinking. Antonio smiled, " we're conserving water." I rolled my eyes, " get your ass out of the fucking  bathroom." Within a split of a second, Antonio pried off my underwear , his grey sweatpants and boxers. I found myself ass naked in the warm shower with Antonio behind me. " I hate you," I smiled as Antonio drizzled shampoo onto my head. The cold liquid slithered down my face and over my chest and down the sides of my arms. Antonio them began rubbing in the vanilla scented shampoo into my hair.

Out of nowhere, Antonio's hands rubbed onto my face, causing me to immediately shut my eyes. " ANTONIO!" I yelled. Laughing, Antonio took the head of the shower and pointed it down onto my face so that the water washed off the shampoo on me. I smiled as the shampoo slid down my neck and body. I was then able to open my eyes without them stinging. Antonio slid his arms around me and pulled me against his toned front. " I hate you," I smiled. Antonio began kissing my neck, I tiled my head so that he could get more of me. I sneakily grabbed the shampoo bottle and squirted it onto Antonio's head. He scoffed softly and paused, I bursted out laughing as the soapy liquid slipped down the front of Antonio's face. " Karma's a bitch," I said smiling. Antonio grabbed the shower neck and began washing off his face. When he was able to open his eyes, he aimed the water at me. I jumped back, only to be reeled back in to Antonio's chest. " Okay, okay, Jesus Christ!" I yelled with a smile on my face. Antonio set the shower hose back on its hook and wrapped his arms around me. I slid my hands around his neck, my hands found their way up and into Antonio soapy hair. " I love you," Antonio said calmly. I rested my head on Antonio's shoulder and closed my eyes. The warm water beat against my back, but it felt good. I exhaled slowly as Antonio kept me close to him. " I love you more," I whispered back.

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