Chapter 8

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Sitting In AP calculus, I wrote down the notes my teacher had written out on the board. I had a test next class, so everything on the board was valuable information. My mind couldn't help but wrap around the fact that tonight, Grace and I were going to hangout with Alessandro and his friends. My grasp around my pencil tightened, I heard the wood crack. I sighed, loosening up my body and looked back up at the board. Alessandro was the type of boy who'd only date, sleep, and screw with girls if they were pretty, skinny, and had boobs. If you weren't any of the above, he wouldn't even bother glancing at you.

For some reason, I caught Alessandro's attention. I've pushed him away basically most of Junior year, and all of Senior year. Some guys just can't take no for an answer, and some guys are just too much of a dick to realize they're being rejected, again.
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" So, have you thought about what to wear tonight?" Grace asked as we walked down to study hall. " No," I answered dryly. Grace scoffed, " why not?" " Because I'm not going," I said, opening the door for Grace. She paused and looked at me, " yes, you are going." I ignored Grace's glare and walked past her into the study hall room. Grace watched me before following me to a table next to the window.

" I have a calculus test tomorrow I need to study for," I informed Grace. " And then on top of that, I have more work to finish." Grace just stared at me as if I was speaking gibberish. " Yeah, I stoped listening after calculus test," Grace said folding her arms. " After school, you and I are going back to your house, and we're getting ready for when Alessandro picks us up." I pulled out my Physics binder and got to my homework, I was halfway done. " And you are coming with me when Alessandro picks us up," Grace added. I looked at her, " Alessandro is just trying to pick you, sleep with you, and screw you over. Why on earth do you let him get to you so easily?" Grace smiled, " because he's hot and rich." " Okay, and?" I asked. " Sugar Daddy," Grace explained. I raised an eyebrow, " that's not how it works in the mafia Grace." " Why?" Grace asked. " Because Alessandro isn't even legally allowed to be bringing girls back to his house," I Informed. " Okay but what if his parents are like really chill and don't care?" Grace asked. I smiled, " have you ever met a mafia family let alone parents who are chill and don't care about anything?" Grace's face was blank, I could see the gets turning in her brain.

" How about a one night stand?" Grace asked. I finished the last problem on my Physics homework and looked at her. " Do you want my opinion or not?" Grace shrugged, " they're never really helpful or encouraging." Ignoring Grace's discouraging remark, I said, " Alessandro will sleep with you, tell you how  beautiful and important you are. Then the next day, he'll walk right past you in the halls as if he never saw your face before." Grace stared at me, " how is that your opinion?" Looking at Grace, I never wanted her to get hurt. She was too young and too naive. " I don't want you to get hurt," I said. " Alessandro only wants you for you body, that's all he cares about. And when he finally gets you, when he's finally on top of you making you feel somewhat special, the next day he'll drop you as if you were just some pleasure toy." Grace stared at me, " please don't do anything with Alessandro," I begged.
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It was almost 8:10, we have twenty minutes before Alessandro would arrive to pick us up and take us... somewhere.

Grace slid down hangers after hangers, " you have nothing cute in here." I walked up beside her took out a black long sleeve shirt and some black high waisted jeans. " You're joking, right?" Grace asked examining my outfit option. I smiled and set the clothes back into my closet. Grace continued to rummage through my closet, In hope to find something worthy for tonight. I sat on my bed and reviewed everything for my AP calculus test tomorrow, I felt really good about it. Grace walked up to me with a very short silky black dress.

I raised my eyebrows and looked at her, " where'd you get that?" Grace smiled, " I brought some clothes with me." I stood up and looked at the dress, it barely covered my thighs. " I'm not wearing that," I clarified. Grace raised an eyebrow, " either you are, or I am." I glared at Grace, she knew that I wouldn't ever allow her to go anywhere in a dress like that. " Fine," I said sternly. I took the dress from her and stared at it, Grace then pulled out another short dress from her bag. I looked at her, " did you plan this out?" Grace nodded, " I'm always prepared." Grace's dress was a red satin side split minidress.

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I sighed, this was going to be a very long night

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I sighed, this was going to be a very long night. Grace walked into the bathroom to change, while I got dressed in my room. I was hesitant for a second, but then I finally kicked myself and began to change in the black dress.

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