Chapter 13

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Sorry about not commenting anything, I'm trying to start the book and get everything together
After this chapter, I'll try to comment more. Things will start to pick up and get Interesting after this chapter!!😜

Thousands of decorated and set up tables dotted the glamorous room. Saying that there were tons of people was just an understatement. As a huge group of people would walk in, others were added. We followed my dad to a table near the far exit door. Our tables had fine silverware, and a bucked of the finest wine in Italy had been placed in the middle. Was this all really for me?

Everyone sat down, a guy in an all black tuxedo walked up to the stage and tapped the microphone in front of him. " Hello?" Everyone looked at up at the stage, the guy smiled. " Welcome!" Everyone clapped, I looked around at everyone sitting at their tables. " How is everyone tonight?" The guy yelled out. Everyone cheered, my dad's face was as blank as a piece of paper. " What's going on?" I whispered, leaning over to my mom. " He's just warming the evening up," my mom informed. I looked back up at the man on the stage, why did he look so familiar?

The more I watched him talk about the night, the more I remembered where I had seen him. When I was a little girl, my dad would have meetings in his office. He'd invite other mafia leaders to our house, my mom used to bring them food all day. What was his name? It was on the tip of my tongue.

Soon, waiters in white strolled out from behind doors with trays and carts full of steaming, mouth drooling dishes. Tables were filled, happy faces glowed up the room. A steaming dish was set down in front of me. Fried rice, grilled chicken, steamed vegetables, and a potato filled with bacon, sour cream, cheese, and onions.

My brothers began to eat, so did my mom. I looked at my dad, he was busy typing something down on his phone. The same guy on the stage was also on his phone. I looked between the guy and my dad before eyeing my dad's phone. My dad looked at me and I immediately averted my attention down to my plate. I could feel my dad's dark glare burning into my face, what was going on? My mom looked at me and frowned, " you hungry?" I shook out of my daze and looked at her, " yeah." My mom took a bite of her fried vegetables. I took a quick glance at my dad before digging into my food.
- - -
Speeches were made, gifts were brought out. I frequently watched my dad and his friend talk and text over phone. My mom was too busy talking to my brothers about work, I just sat in my chair observing what my dad was doing. Plates were taken away, colorful desserts were brought out. I turned to my mom, " I'm going to go use the bathroom." My mom nodded and returned back to her conversation with my brothers. I scooted back and stood up, my dad kept his eyes on his phone.

The building was massive, I knew that I'd get lost. People in beautiful gowns and dresses walk past me, I smiled as they smiled at me. I walked down three long halls and took several turns. Where on earth was the stupid bathroom? Right as I turned another corner, I collided into someone. " Oh gosh," a young voice said. I stepped back and smile, " I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," the women said. She wore an elegant purple lace mermaid gown. A side split on her left leg exposed her skin, accenting the dress.

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