Chapter 37

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We drove down a long road, trees towered over us. The sun had begun to set, a cool breeze fluttered leaves up into the sky. Antonio pressed a button on the steering wheel, the entire top half of the car declined back and folded up. I smiled as my hair blew into my face, Antonio chuckled and proceeded down the road.

About twenty minutes of going slow, Antonio finely spoke up. " You ready?" I looked at him, " ready for what?" I then remembered what the whole point of the car ride was, I immediately swallowed. Antonio grinned, " hold on." I grasped onto the arm rest near my door, Antonio pressed on the gas.

The amount of wind pressure blowing into my face felt amazing. The cold evening air kissed my cheeks, leaves tumbled beside our car and raced us as we sped off. Cars zoomed past us, drivers gave us concerning looks due to the fact that we were going eighty six miles per hour in a sixty three zone. The wind was so hard, it pressed my head back into my seat. Antonio looked at me and smiled, he then looked back at the road to only press on the gas more and go faster.

I felt like one of those race car drivers. The car was going so fast, you'd see us one second and then we'd be gone within a blink of an eye. My hair was everywhere, but I didn't care. I felt light-weighted, like I was floating. Every time we rounded a corner, Antonio increased the speed. I covered my mouth and closed my eyes as I tried to maintain the laughter seconds away from slipping out from my mouth. I eyed the speed diameter and saw that the tick was nearing one hundred.

" Watch," Antonio said. I looked at him right as he took his hands off of the steering wheel. Antonio smiled, my heart skipped ten beats. " I swear to god, put your hands back on the wheel," I said gripping my arm rest. We were coming up on another rounded turn, my heart began to beat faster. " Antonio," I said alarmed. Antonio just smiled, what the hell was he doing! " Oh my god!" I yelled as we came upon the corner. My fingers dug into my arm rest, the blood in my body was immediately drained out of me.

The car automatically sharply turned on its own, speeding down the straight road. I opened my eyes to find Antonio laughing his head off. I scoffed as a smile slowly spread across my face. I don't know where we were, but we definitely weren't in the busily part of Venice. It looked like we were on the countryside, or something. Acres upon acres of luscious green fields surrounded us. Trees high to the sky stood tall beside the road. Beautiful bright flowers hid in bushes and on the grass. For a split second, I forgot we were in the real world and not some fantasy world.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a black Tesla sped up to us. Both Antonio and I looked over, the driver of the Tesla was a teenager with his girlfriend. Antonio looked back ahead at the road, " they wanna race." I frowned, " how do you know?" Antonio grinned, " I just do." And with that, the Tesla lunged forward and passed us. I stared at the speeding car before looking at Antonio. " Just wait," Antonio said. I looked back ahead, Antonio then pressed on the gas and my head slammed back against my seat.

Within five seconds we caught up to the Tesla. The teenager and his girlfriend smiled and laughed, Antonio switched gears and pressed on the gas. Our car flew past the Tesla, a small grin crept across Antonio's face. A few seconds later, the Tesla sped up to us. We drove speeding in sync for about forty seconds before I looked ahead and saw that the road merged into one lane. My stomach cramped up, " Antonio," I said. Antonio kept his focus on the road and his foot of the gas. A thick knot dwelled in my chest, goosebumps erupted on my arms. " Antonio," I said again. Did he not see the merging lanes! Right as our lane merged into with the Tesla's lane, Antonio pressed harder on the gas. If that was even possible. We flew forward, Antonio shifted like three gears before quickly turned the steering wheel left. The Tesla pressed on its breaks, the front of the car grazed our bumper. The Tesla honked loudly at us, causing Antonio to grin.

As we flew down the road, my soul reunited with my body. Antonio looked at me and grinned more before averting his eyes to the road. From then on, the ride was fast but the view was beautiful. If I could, I'd stay out here with Antonio driving in his car, with the roof down, with both the sunlight and breeze blowing into my face. Suddenly, everything felt like it turned into a slowmo. At that moment, I finely realized that this was my life. I'd never imagined my life coming together so quickly. I always imagined finishing up high school and applying at some college in Milan. But here I am now, speeding throughout Venice, Italy with a man I never imagined meeting let alone marrying. I was happy, nothing could ruin how everything was playing out. I rested my head back against my seat as my hair flew about around me. Antonio was relaxed too, because he only had one hand on the wheel, and his head was rested back on his seat. At this moment, I knew my happily ever after was coming soon. I just didn't know when.
      - - -
We slowly pulled up back to the airport. Guards helped me out of the car, Antonio turned off the engine and walked over to my side. I folded my arms and smiled as Antonio walked up to me. " I'll take the car back to the garage boss," a guard said. Antonio nodded, the guard took the keys from Antonio and soon drove off with the car. I sighed as Antonio walked up to me, " your a crazy driver, has anyone ever told you that?" I asked. Antonio chuckled, " many times." The sun glowed on the horizon, a warm breeze fluttered past us. " What did that guard mean by the garage?" I asked. Antonio grinned, " I have more cars?" I scoffed, " for what reason?" " I like to collect them," Antonio answered. I smiled, " do you drive any of them?" Antonio thought, " there more for decoration. I shook my head and inhaled deeply as a breeze fluttered through my hair. Antonio smiled, he stepped forward and pulled me into a hug. I inhaled sharply as Antonio's cologne seeped into my system. " I've got a work dinner tomorrow," Antonio said. " I want you to come with me." Antonio let go of me and I looked at him, " you want me to come to your family work dinner?" Antonio nodded, " how many more of your family do I need to meet?" I asked. " A lot," Antonio answered. I held back a smile, " some of them are kids," Antonio said. I bit my bottom lip and nodded, " doesn't sound too hard." Antonio chuckled, " you in?" I smiled and sighed, " I'm in."

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