Chapter 25

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The last thing I remembered was packing for Milan and eating dinner with my family. My dad was gone, as usual, doing work up in his office. My mom talked about the second trip to Milan, how it was only going to be me and my parents. My stomach cramped up at the thoughts of getting a new home, more like a second home. I was leaving my brothers, my birthplace, and my best friend. Now, I was traveling to a new place filled with new and strange people. The guy I was going to live with was insanely rich, attractive,and to most people, dangerous and dark.

It was about 3 am, I sat alone in my row on my parents private plane. My eyes refused to close, even though I was exhausted. I had striped down everything in my bedroom and packed it up, basically my room was stored somewhere in boxes in the back of the plane. I'd been to Milan once, so I knew what to expect. My mom had taken me out shopping for clothes appropriate for Milan attire, I honestly didn't care what I looked like and how I dressed. I had got a lot more pairs of shoes, mostly heels, skin tight and loose dresses, a few shirts and jeans. Apparently if your are a women marrying a mafia leader, you only wear dresses and skirts, no jeans or t shirts. Oh how was I going to live like this.

Finally, my sore and aching eyes gave up and closed. I got comfortable in my seat and laid my head back. The soothing cool AC lured my restless body to sleep, within a few hours, I'd be back in Milan awaiting my soon to be husband.

- - -
The plane jerked to a stop, I groaned and stretched. My eyes were glued shut, I had to rub them to get them ajar. The sky was a soft pink and blue, the sun was rising. I yawned before looking around, where were my parents? I looked down and found a note beside me on the next seat.

- Thalia
Your dad and I are out with Mr. and Mrs. Brambilla. We will be back soon, we have a young man waiting for you to show you to the hotel where you will then be driven down to Mr. Brambilla's house. We love you and can't wait to be with you again!

Love, Mom.

I sighed and walked down the aisle, I was in desperate need of a shower and a hair brush. The weather was nice, a soft breeze fluttered about in my hair. I turned and watched as the same car Dante drove me in sped up and immediately stopped a few feet away from me. The driver rolled down the windows, " Ms. Galonos?" I nodded, " yeah." The driver opened his door, " I got my door, thank you," I said. The driver nodded before getting back into the car, I hated when people tried to do things for me. I was almost nineteen, not four.

The drive to the hotel was long and quiet, just how I liked it. The radio was soon turned on and read off the news, surprisingly it had nothing about Antonio and I's arrangement. I sat my head back and closed my eyes, my muscles were sore from the planes seats and my stomach grumbled for food. I wanted to sleep more, my but body was 100% awake. I stared out the window, Milan was absolutely breathtaking.

We finally arrived at the hotel, it was definitely bigger than the one I stayed at the first time my family came to Milan. People dressed in formal attire walked in and out of the hotel, was there something going on? I looked down at my white long sleeve turtle neck, high waisted light blue mom jeans, and black boots. It was like I seem didn't remember how to dress in Milan. My normal was completely different from Milan normal.

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