Chapter 14

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The smell of cooked food woke me up. I groaned, my eyes fluttered open to see a plate full of eggs, bacon, pancakes, and a blueberry muffin on my bedside table. I sat up and set the plate on my lap, within a few seconds, there was a knock at the door. I paused and looked at it, " yeah?" " It's Adriano and Carlo," Carlo said from the other side. I set the plate beside me and walked over to the door. As soon as I opened it, my brothers immediately walked in. Carlo sniffed the air, " did you get breakfast?" " Yeah," I said closing the door, I folded my arms. Nicolo smiled as soon as he saw my untouched plate. " We didn't get served  breakfast in bed," Carlo said. I smiled, " you going to cry about it?" Nicolo walked over to my bed and took a huge bite out of my blueberry muffin, I glared him as he set the small remaining piece down. " How long have you guys been up?" I asked sitting down at my desk. " Uh, two hours," Nicolo said folding his arms. " We woke up seven and headed down to the shops." I nodded, " where's dad and mom?" " I haven't seen them all morning" Carlo said stretching out on my bed. I walked over to him and grabbed my food tray. " You goin to eat the rest of that?" Carlo asked. " Yes actually," I said back. I sat back down at my desk and continued eating. " Emiliano's down at the gym," Nicolo informed. " Why aren't you two there?" I asked eating by eggs. " Because dad told us to watch you," Carlo informed. I paused midway of eating and looked at Carlo, " hey, I wasn't about to argue with dad about your two brothers babysitting you," Carlo explained. He propped his self up on his elbows.

" You wanna go out?" Nicolo asked. I swallowed and looked at him, " out as In shopping, out as in going to the mall?" Nicolo smiled, knowing I hated shopping and malls, " yeah." I rolled my eyes, " it'll be fun, come one," Carlo said. I scoffed, " you two are the last people I'd hear saying shopping and the mall is fun." Carlo chuckled, " we didn't say we were going to go shopping or to the mall." I eyed both Carlo and Nicolo and knew exactly what they meant. I raised an eyebrow, " seriously?" Carlo nodded, " yeah, so hurry up and get dressed." I sighed and stood up, " I'm done with the my food, you guys can have the rest." Before I could even move out of the way, both Carlo and Nicolo bombarded past me. I stumbled to the side as both my brothers scarfed down the rest of my breakfast. I watched as they cleared the plate, Nicolo sat down at my desk and Carlo collapsed back down on my bed. " You two are absolutely disgusting," I said turning to my closet. Carlo smiled, " thank you."
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Walking out from my bathroom, I closed the door and walked up to my closet. " Took you long enough," Carlo said half asleep. I smiled, I wore high waisted straight leg black jeans, a coffee brown drop shoulder cropped sweater. I slipped into some comfortable black heeled boots. Yes, I'm actually wearing heels. Shocker. The makeup was light, I added mascara onto my lashes and light pink lipgloss onto my lips. I grabbed my bag and my phone, both Carlo and Nicolo jumped up from their spots. We made our way downstairs to the lobby. Emiliano had finished his workout, showered, got dressed, and was sitting down in the lounge area. He looked up from his phone and saw us, he smiled and walked towards us. " Surprised you got sleeping beauty up and ready to go to the mall," Emiliano teased as he walked up to us. " And I'm surprised you had time to go shopping, did you get tired from lifting 5 pounds?" I teased back. Emiliano rolled his eyes as a smirked, " where's Adriano?" Carlo asked growing and looking around. " Uhh, I actually have no clue," Emiliano said.

Suddenly, we all turned and watched as Adriano walked away from the cafe with five coffees stacked up in his hands, and a bag of croissants under his arms. Emiliano chuckled as Adrianao approached us. " Help, please?" Adriano asked as he almost dropped the coffees. Carlo and nicolo stepped in and grabbed a few coffees. Croissants were handed out, I grabbed my coffee. " Here," Nicolo said, handing me a croissant. " I'm not hungry," I said. Adriano's smile fell off his face, " I bought you food and the only thing you have to say is 'I'm not hungry'?" I smiled, " yeah." Adriano scoffed and shook his head, " girls these days." Carlo jumped in and grabbed my croissants out of Nicolo's hand, " I call it." I smiled and chuckled as my two brothers fought over the remaining croissant. Suddenly, my attention averted to the hotel's front doors. Ten extremely nice black cars pulled up to the curb. Thirty men in all black, wearing black shades, approached the hotel doors and walked in. I looked around the room, why was no body else phased by the fact that men in black were entering the hotel like they owned the place. I squinted and saw a guy in the very middle of the group. He wore a grey suit, and a charcoal black tie. His hair was messy, he was tall, and by what he looked like, he worked out frequently. His head was tilted down, so I couldn't get a clear shot of his face.

I watched as the group walked past me and around the corner by the hotel. Everyone's conversations immediately got louder, as if they don't wan the big group of black suited men to hear. I looked back at my brothers, Adriano was still arguing with Carlo about the extra croissant. Carlo ended the fight by taking a huge bite out of the croissant. Adriano's eyes darkened in anger, he clenched his fist and punched Carlo right in the shoulder. Carlo choked on his food from laughter, Emiliano scoffed and smiled. As we made our way to the hotel doors and out to our Uber. I couldn't help but look back at the hotel lobby. Who were those people? Why were they all so secretive? Why did they need the glasses? But the one question that overruled the others was, who was the guy in the middle?

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