Chapter 69

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AHHH, THIS BOOK IS SO FREAKING CLOSE TO BE DONE!!! How was last chapter? Was it unexpected or nah? Lmao, please tell me!! This book has taken WEEKS to write and every single chapter I get TONS of new ideas. So please, feedback is wanted. And I'm sorry about how long this book was, I wasn't planning on it being this long :)
Also, the song above is only for the ending part of the chapter where Antonio and Thalia reunite back together by having a little... steamy scene.
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The last thing I remembered was crying while Antonio's dead body lay beneath me. My hands in his messy brown hair, keeping him close to me. I had blocked out any sounds of gun shootings and men yelling. The man I had fallen in love with was gone, the one thing keeping me on my feet was gone. There was no meaning in life without him, my joy and happiness had been washed over by pain and sorrow. I didn't know how long It was going to take for me to get over this, I needed him in my life.
                                        - - -
My eyes slowly opened, I stared at white curtains blowing in the wind as the window allowed the morning Venice air to infiltrate into my room. I immediately jolted up from the bed, but was softly pushed back down my a familiar voice. " Hey, it's okay," Grace said to me. I looked at her and pulled her into a tight hug. " He's gone," I whimpered as my eyes filled up with tears. " I can't do this without him." Grace rubbed my back, " you don't need a man to tell you what to do." I shook my head, " I needed him." Grace pulled away and smiled warmly at me, " you're an amazing woman Thalia, even Antonio knew that." I closed my eyes and dropped my head into my hands, tears filled my palms. " Hey, it's okay," Grace said. I cried to the point where I couldn't breath. My body felt lifeless, numb, and completely destroyed. " I can't do this alone," I sobbed. " I need him." Grace pulled me up and into a hug, she scooted back against the headboard and held me as I sobbed to the point where my stomach  was tight and crunched up.

                                      - - -
It was around 1pm, lunch had just ended. I stood at the sink, washing dishes and setting them in the dishwasher. My body felt fuzzy and numb, my mind for once was empty. I stared plate after plate, at the water splashing onto the dishes. I tilted my head slightly to the side and cleaned off a fork before placing it into the dishwasher.

Antonio never like doing the dishes because he hated touching wet food.

A small smile spread across my face at the faint memory. A tear drop splashed onto a plate I had washed, I whipped my cheek with my arm and set the plate down into the dishwasher. " Ah, thank you for starting that," Mrs. Brambilla said walking up behind me. I looked at her and smiled, " anytime." I stepped aside and dried my hands off as Mrs. Brambilla took over my job. I sighed and leaned back up against the island countertop. " So, how are you?" Mrs. Brambilla asked as she set a pot in the dishwasher. " I'm good," I responded. My body felt distorted and not like it's self, I mentally couldn't process that he was gone. " I'm making some apple pie tonight for dessert," Mrs. Brambilla informed me as she put soap into the dishwasher and closed it. " That sounds good," I said smiling. Mrs. Brambilla nodded, " and I'd love it if you helped too." " Yeah, I'd love too," I said happily. Mrs. Brambilla nodded, " Okay, I'll call you down when it's time." I smiled and nodded before turning and walking back up to my room.

Grace lay on my bed with a box of Italy's finest chocolates on her lap. I walked into the room and closed the door. Turning around, I smiled when I saw half the box of chocolates gone. " You plan on saving any for me or what? I asked setting my phone down on my desk. Grace smiled, " you want some?" I walked over and jumped onto the bed, scooting towards Grace. I ate a caramel covered chocolate cube, my insides melted due to sweet deliciousness. Grace looked at me, " you okay?" I knew what she meant, but I wasn't going to let those two words affect my mood. I swallowed and looked at her, " I'm fine."  Grace stared at me, " I know my best friend, and I know when she's lying to me." My stomach ached, I wanted to curl up and cry my eyes out.

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