Chapter 44

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Within a few hours, I found myself getting ready for Antonio and I's date. I was going for a subtle look, but all the dresses I had gotten weren't exactly... subtle.

My dress was a glittery light pink low v neck dress. It hugged tightly at my waist and hips, the hem pooled down at the ground. Antonio would be wearing, as usual, an all back tuxedo. So with my sparkly dress, we'd definitely stand out from the crowd. I put on all my jewelry right as Antonio walked out of the bathroom. He looked at me and smiled, I turned around and met his alluring, green eyes. " This will never get old," Antonio said looking me up and down. I sighed, " I wasn't sure about this dress, there's more I can wear though." Antonio shook his head and walked up to me, " not wearing anything and you'd still look beautiful." I smiled as Antonio slid his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. " One day I'm going to marry you," Antonio said. " And hopefully you'll be able to put on your own tie," I said back. Antonio scoffed and stepped back, I just smiled and chuckled. " Are you hungry?" Antonio asked smiling. " Maybe," I said walking past him and grabbing my handbag on the bedside table. Antonio shook his head and turned around. " You ready to go?" I asked. " Yes ma'am," Antonio said. He held out his arm for me to take, we took the elevator down to the lobby and was grouped up with seven of Antonio's guards.

" How was work?" A guard asked walking up to Antonio. Antonio smiled, " your father wasn't too pleased to find out you ignored a days worth of work," the guard informed. Antonio sighed and patted the guards shoulder, " you need to go on a vacation from my family." I smiled, " my life is owed to you and your family," The guard said back to Antonio. I looked at Antonio, who already knew what I was thinking.

- - -
The evening was beautiful as always, the city lights brought everything to life. Families took their children out to eat and ended up in the park, listening to the local jazz bands play. I smiled out the window as everyone was out for the night with their families. It made me think about the family Antonio and I would soon have, our family. My smile faded off my face, our family. I wasn't ready emotionally to be a mother or wife. After living the life I had as a kid, I was partly scared about the life my kids would have. Would Antonio grow up and be like my dad? Would I be like my mom, quiet and always behind my father, not being seen like the amazing women she was? Antonio looked at me, " you okay?" I quickly smiled and looked at him, " yeah."

The car came to a stop, guards got out and opened both Antonio and I's doors. Antonio made his way to me and slid his hand back around my waist to keep me close to him. " How long are you two planning on being out boss?" A guard asked. Antonio held back a smile, " the entire night." The guard wasn't really fond of Antonio's response because he sighed and stood up straighter. " You are behind work boss," The guard informed. " Your father didn't like you skipping out today." I knew Antonio was getting mad, because his jaw clenched and his eyes darkened. " Tell my father that I'm not working at all tonight, tell him that I won't answer any of my calls or email him until tomorrow morning." I looked at Antonio before looking at the guard. The guard nodded, knowing the anger Antonio's father would be furious. The guards stepped up from the curb and stared at us. " Your father is aware of the events with you and Ms. Galonos," the guard said. " We're ordered to stay with you until the two of you return back to your hotel room." Antonio sighed, " that sounds great," I said warmly. Antonio looked at me, " thank you for doing your job," I added. The guard nodded, " you ready boss?" Antonio stared at me, I looked at him and raised my eyebrows. Antonio looked back at the guard and said annoyed with the conversation, " yeah, let's go." I smiled at Antonio who gave me a small grin.
- - -
I took a bite of my chicken lasagna and sipped some of my wine. " You never told me about to your schooling back in Milan," Antonio said. I cleared my throat and looked at him, " what do you want to know?" Antonio shrugged, " anything." I sighed and set my fork down, " uh, most of my classes were AP, I took a study class, which was more of a class to get my work done." Antonio stared at me and nodded, listening. " I had one friend, we were always together, in about anything." Antonio's face fell when he saw me stop talking. " What was her name?" Antonio asked. I sighed and looked a Antonio, " Grace, she was my best friend." " What happened to her?" Antonio asked. " Nothing," I chuckled. " I just left her due to the arrangement and I haven't seen her since," I said calmly. Antonio sighed, " but It's fine," I said. " I call her frequently, we keep each other up to date." " She's lucky to have a friend such as yourself," Antonio said. " Anyone would." I stared at Antonio, " you've changed my life ever since I met you," Antonio said. " Everyday you make every moment something I want to cherish for my he rest of my life." I forced myself to keep the tears down, my chest felt heavy hearing the words leave Antonio's mouth.

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