Chapter 68

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The smell of sweat, mildew, and blood filtered into my body. Every cell looked the same, cold, dark, and empty. I didn't know how much time I had left until Evelina woke up or all her guards would be running down the stars to find me. I held the back of my head and winced at the sore feeling. I looked at my hand and saw blood. I blinked back the black dots and fuzzy circles and continued walking past several cells. " Antonio!" I called out. I ran in and out of cells, checking every corner. I don't know how big each cell was, so looking took several minutes.

Walking into one cell, the faint smell of cologne filled my body. My heart beat picked up, I walked slowly into the dark cell and saw the faint outline of a person in a chair. My eyes filled up with tears, " oh my god." I instantly ran up to Antonio, whose head was slumped over. I looked over his tortured self. " Hey," I whispered. Antonio slightly moved his head, but other than that he stayed still. Bruises covered his entire body. His shirt and pants were ripped and covered in blood. His lip was busted, his face was covered in cuts and bruises. His nose was bleeding, but mostly all the blood was dried up. He had red, puffy, swollen eyes and one black eye. Antonio lifted his head and opened his eyes, they looked right into my soul. I smiled as tears streamed down my face, " hey." Antonio's mind reunited with his body, he tried to a lean forward, trying to touch me. " I'm going to get you out of here, okay?" I said. He nodded and asked as his voice cracked, " how'd you find me?" I smiled, " your family is really good at hacking into phones." A small broken smile spread across Antonio's beat up face. " How long have you been here?" I asked. " Ever since last night, so a few hours," Antonio whispered. I nodded Antonio stared at me as I untied the ropes around both his ankles. " Look I just want to explain," Antonio began talking but I stoped him. " I know what happened," I said letting one ankle loose from the chair leg. Antonio frowned, " how?" I held back a smile and looked at him, " you're psychotic girlfriend talks too much." Antonio scoffed, " she told you." I nodded and went back to untying the other ankle, " yeah."

The smile on Antonio's face disappeared, " Thalia I am so sorry for whatever pain I put you through." I finished untying the other ankle and looked up into Antonio's green, teary eyes. " There are women in this world like Evelina, and there are men in this world like you. I trust men like you, but not Evelina. You were drunk, and Evelina took advantage of that." I paused as a tear slipped down Antonio's face. " Hey, hey," I whispered leaning forward. " You were drunk, don't blame yourself for what happened. Evelina knew what would happen, she pressured you." Antonio shook his head, " but I still did it, I touched her." A small smile poked at my lips, " Evelina told me what you said, about saying my name and seeing her as me." Antonio blinked, another tear rolled down. " I love you," I spoke softly. Not caring about the blood, I leaned forward and softly kissed Antonio's warm lips. Antonio lifted his head, allowing me to deepen the kiss.

" Well isn't this just adorable," a voice came from the cellar door. Almost like I was prepared for Evelina's return, I sprung up, grabbed the gun from my pocket, and aimed it at Evelina. " You're got some moves Thalia," Evelina said. She stepped in the moonlight, my stomach crunched up at Evelina's well-being. Blood covered her from the nose down to her chin. Her nose was obviously broken, forming bruises dotted her face. " Your father and brother trained you well," Evelina said. I eyed her hand, a gun was loaded and ready to be activated. " Hey, no hard feelings, right?" Evelina asked me. I looked back at her, " this, this will be something that I will never forgive you for." Evelina chuckled, " I don't give a shit anymore. You two are both staying here, dead or alive." I shook my head, " I'm taking Antonio and the others with me." Darkness in Evelina's eyes grew, she slightly tilted her head. I clenched my jaw and tightened the grasp on the gun in my hand. " Fine, I'll just fucking kill both of you," Evelina spat out. She raised her gun and was about to pull the trigger, but I was faster. I immediately pulled back the trigger on the gun and was slightly pushed back due the intense power.

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