Chapter 12

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Wednesday morning rolled by quicker than I thought. My parents explained to my principal why I'd be missing school for a few weeks. I told Grace that I'd be gone and that I'd text her every day. She asked where my family was going, and I told her Milan.
- - -
I quickly washed my face and threw on a pair of black jeans with holes in the knees and a white turtle neck crop top. I slipped into a pair of black combat boots before grabbing my coat and my suitcases. My dad informed us that we'd be staying In Milan for a few weeks, but for some reason I got a bad feeling that we'd be staying for much longer.

The drive to our airport was utterly slow, I scrolled through my second account of Instagram. I liked and commented on pictures, oh how I wished my life was normal. We arrived at our airport, everything was grey and cold. Good thing I brought my jacket, I'd be a walking stick of wobbling bones. My dad led us into the airport, and down to our section. Seeing absolutely no one in the airport made me feel uncomfortable. My dad had built an entire airport just for his family. Why? I have no fucking idea.

Boarding the plane, my section was first class. It wasn't like anybody else was flying, so why not just make the whole plane... normal. I sat down, my mom seated next to me. My other brothers sat close to the pilots room. My mom sighed and pulled out a magazine, " you excited?" I looked out the window, everything was so, lifeless. " Thalia," my mom said. I looked at her, " yeah." My mom smiled and chuckled, " I wonder what your dad has in store for you." I swallowed, what did my dad have in store for me? The plan flew down the strip before pulling up. And within a few seconds, my eye lids fluttered close and I fell asleep.
- - -
My eyes slowly opened, I yawned and looked around. The plane was empty, my heart panicked. I immediately stood up and looked down both ways of the plan before heading towards the doors. My luggage was gone, so was my family. Where was my family?! " Thalia!" Emiliano called out. I turned my head and found them down at the bar. Yes, my dad's plan has a bar. I walked down, " why didn't you guys wake me up?" " You looked ever so peaceful," Nicolo teased. " Dad told us not to," Carlo said. I looked around for my parents, " where's mom and dad?" " Uh, they left an hour ago for, something," Adriano said making himself a drink. I frowned, " dad doesn't like you drinking." " Dad's not here, is he?" Adriano asked before taking a sip of his cold beverage. He coughed and gagged before setting his glass down. Nicolo and Carlo laughed, I rolled my eyes before sitting down beside Emiliano.

" You wondering what dad's doing?" Emiliano said, stirring a white straw in his cup. " Yeah, actually I have been," I said. I folded my arms and sighed, " why Milan?" " It's the wealthiest citie in Italy," Carlo informed. " I know that," I said. " But why did dad fly us all down here just for something he arranged for me?" " Because your a girl and the youngest," Carlo said. " He wants us all to feel jealous once we see him give you some stupid, expensive necklace." I raised an eyebrow, " have you met our dad?" Everyone chuckled, Nicolo fixed himself some food and sat down beside me, " maybe this is all about your future." I looked at him, " what do you mean?" " You know, husband, kids," Nicolo said. " Dad isn't like that," I said. " He'd tell us where we were going, what we were doing, and why we we're doing it." Emiliano nodded, " she's right, dads not this, sudden."

My parents eventually came back with a nice white car, big enough for the family. Our luggage was all in the trunk. I got into the car and sat down in the very back. Emiliano sat next to me, Carlo sat next to him. Everyone else sat in the front, mom and dad were quiet.

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