Chapter 19

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My mom didn't even look at me as she and my dad sat down. I stared at my mom as she talked to my dad. " Don't worry about them," Emiliano said. I looked at him, " worry about what?" Emiliano sighed, " mom and dad have been waiting for this for years." My heart skipped a beat, " waiting for what?" Emiliano stared at me, I swore I saw fear in his eyes. " Emiliano what is going on?" I asked. " Mom and dad will tell you, it's not my place to," Emiliano said. I stared at him, what does he know? " You okay?" Nicolo asked as he watched me stare into space. " Emiliano what the hell is going on?" I asked sternly. Adriano frowned and looked at Emiliano, " what's she talking?" Emiliano looked at my dad, who was looking at him. I looked at both my parents before turning my body to face Emiliano. " You know what's going on, tell me." Emiliano clenched his jaw, my dad glared at him.

The doors of the dinning hall opened and tons of waiters walked in with carts full of food. I kept my door focus on Emiliano, who was staring at my dad. " Thalia," my mom finally spoke to me. I didn't want to leave my focus from Emiliano, he was hiding something from me and I knew it. " Thalia," my mom said again. I looked at her, " what?" My mom smiled, her eyes twinkled, " you look beautiful." I stared at her, what kind of bullshit was she playing? I sighed, " thank you. My mom smiled even more as our table was filled with delicious plates of food. " Here you go," Nicolo said, handing me a plate of fried chicken. I looked at him, " you almost passed out like ten minutes ago," Nicolo said. " Don't even bother eating the salad." I stared at my plate, my stomach grumbled. " I'd eat if I were you," Emiliano said. I looked at him, " what the hell is going on?" " Nothing," Emiliano said pushing around his salad. " Mom and dad planned something, what is it?" I asked. A loud piercing sound came from the stage, everyone averted their focus to the man behind the microphone.

I didn't care how much trouble I'd get in, I stared downed my father. A rule in the mafia is to never stare down a top tier leader in the mafia. If you do, it resembles competition and a challenge. My father made contact with me, I didn't step down from my position. I could see my father's eyes darkened. If we weren't in public, my dad would've dragged me by my hair and beaten me to death. My mom noticed the tension and looked at me, " you hungry?" I tightened my grasp on my dress, I looked at my mom. " Myla told me about today," my mom informed. I eyed my dad who was hard core staring me down, before giving my mom 100% focus. " Did you pick out this dress?" My mom asked examining my dress. " My opinion and choice wasn't relevant," I said calmly, ignoring the fact that both my parents and Emiliano were hiding something from me. " Uh, where were you and dad today, and every other day?" I asked. My mom sighed and placed her hands on her lap, " work, your dad and I are very busy." I nodded, not believing the complete bull shit that was coming out my mother's mouth. " Work, what work?" I asked. " Nothing you need to worry about," My mom smiled. I stared at her, " why exactly did we come to Milan?" My mom swallowed, she looked at the plate of food in front of me. " You need to eat, Myla told me you didn't eat anything today," my mom said. I tilted my head, " what did you and dad do?" My mom smiled and looked at me, " the meeting is about to start."

The man behind the microphone spoke up. " Good evening ladies and gentlemen!" People clapped, I stared at both my parents as they wore a mask on their faces. Emiliano didn't dare make eye contact with me. " We'd just like to say thank you to each and everyone one of you for coming tonight," the man said. " We especially like to thank Mr. Galonos." I clenched my jaw and looked at my dad, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! " Please enjoy your meal, dessert will be presented soon," the man ended his somewhat of a speech. Carlo scooted a plate of mash potatoes and green beans towards me. " I swear to god Carlo, give me another plate and I'll plunge my steak knife right into your heart," I said coldly. All my brothers looked at me as if I was some sort of psychopath. I stared at my dad, " something is going on and no body is leaving this damn table until one of you tell me." My dad chewed his steak before taking a long sip of his wine. My mom cleared her throat, " Thalia I think you need to eat, you're hangry." " I'm not fucking hungry," I said sternly. My mom frowned, she looked pissed. " Thalia I don't like your language and attitude, fix it," my mom ordered. I exhaled slowly, Emiliano looked at my dad before looking at me. " What the hell is going on?" I asked sternly. Finally, my dad looked at me. " Eat your food before it gets cold," my dad had the audacity to say. At that point, my anger, frustration, annoyance, and tolerance for everyone exploded. " WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" I yelled. Half of the people in the dining hall averted their attention to our table. People whispered and gave my family weird looks. " Lower, your, damn, voice," My father said angrily. His tone was sharp as a knife, it sent shivers up my spine.

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