Chapter 47: Antonio POV

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This is one of the few times you'll be reading from Antonio's Point Of View. There's going to be more soon, we all know certain things from Antonio's Point Of View will be interesting.

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I rubbed my face as Evelina talked with me through the phone. " When are you going to come over to my place?" Evelina said in a soft tone. " These conversations over the phone make me miss you more." I sighed and eyed the door, Thalia was asleep in our bed. " I'm not doing this over the phone," I whispered partly sternly. I could feel Evelina smile through the phone. " Then you should come visit my place sometime," Evelina said soothly. I clenched my jaw and sighed, " phone calls or nothing." Evelina huffed, " sooner or later, you'll cave in." A soft buzzing sound Informed me that Evelina had another call to make.

Soft, warm arms wrapped around my waist. I looked up and smiled at Thalia's tired face. " You know taking a nap usually is better when there's two people in the bed," Thalia said against my back. My smile faded when Evelina's face and voice appeared in my head. Thalia sighed and unwrapped her hands from around me, " what was the call about?" I turned and looked at her, " just some work stuff." Thalia nodded, " about what, you sounded pretty angry?" I wasn't about to tell Thalia about Evelina and the things going on between us. Yes, it was simply for work, but the fact that I was... never mind.

I walked past Thalia and left the bathroom. I could tell Thalia was confused because she scoffed softly and walked after me. " Is everything okay?" Thalia asked folding her arms. " Yeah, everything's fine," I answered sitting down on the bed. I set my elbows on my knees and placed my head in my hands. Thalia sat down beside me, " we're in this together, remember?" I grinned and shook my head, " you going to use that against me from now on?" Thalia smiled, " yeah." I sighed and looked at her, Thalia's smile faded off her face when she looked at me. " Tell me what's going on?" I stared at her, " I tell you everything," Thalia said. " It's work, okay?" I asked. " Trust me." Thalia stared at me, " if it's just work, then maybe you need a break." I scoffed and stood up, Thalia watched me walk over to the closet and pulled out a black suit jacket. " Do you ever take a break from all this?" Thalia asked me. " Have you met my dad?" I asked facing her. Thalia smiled, " your dad is just like mine, so yeah." I stared at Thalia as she walked up to me. " You're tired, don't tell me your not," Thalia said. I stared into her eyes, they held nothing but love and concern. " I'm fine," I said calmly. " I'm not pushing away my job just because it's getting hard." Thalia folded her arms, " the harder it gets, the more pressure is put on you. And trust me, I've seen what happens to people who can't take the pressure." The tone in Thalia's face was full of worry and frustration. I watched as she grabbed her dress for tonight's work dinner and walked into the bathroom. The door closed behind her, I closed my eyes and sighed.

I walked up to the door, " I've been preparing for this all my life." The bathroom was silent expect for the sound of plastic moving. I put my hands in my suit pants pocket and said calmly, " open the door." I stared at the door for a few seconds before Thalia opened it. She walked past me in a nice green, floor length dress with thick spaghetti straps, and a slit in the middle of the dress.

 I stared at the shower as Thalia walked over to the bedside table and grabbed her makeup bag

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I stared at the shower as Thalia walked over to the bedside table and grabbed her makeup bag. She walked back to the bathroom door, I stoped her before she could go any further. " What?" She asked as my hand entwined to its her's. I looked at her, " I'm not going to worry about it if you're not going to tell me what's wrong," Thalia said. " I don't want you to be mad at me," I said. " I'm not mad at you," Thalia said calmly. She walked into the bathroom, my hand fell from Thalia's. My brain ached holding back information about Evelina. I looked at Thalia, who had stated to apply her foundation onto her face. She got out her concealer and powdery as I walked up behind her. I rested my face in the crook of her neck, her hair smiled liked warm vanilla. " You're ignoring me," I said. Thalia began to do her eye makeup, unfazed by my position. " What do you want me to say?" She asked me. I looked at her, one eye was already done. It was a smokey eye look, she had glued fake eyelashes on and added some dark glittery to her eyelids.

Like she needed all that shit, she was already fucking beautiful.

I slid my hands around Thalia's waist and pulled her back against my chest. " Look at me," I said calmly. For a moment, Thalia looked at herself in the mirror before averting her eyes to me. " As much as I want to stop, I can't," I said. " This is my life now, our life now." I stared at Thalia in the mirror, " we're in this together, okay?" Thalia was hesitant for a second before she spoke out softly. " Okay," she said. Thalia sighed and looked down at her makeup bag, " naps also included us being together so, you can't skip out on those." I couldn't help but smile, Thalia tried to hold back a smile but failed to do so. " Agreed," I said. Thalia looked back up at me, I stared at her in awe. " You are so beautiful," I said. Thalia shook her head, " I have half my makeup done." " I don't care," I said. I spun her around and pushed her up against the wall. Thalia scoffed and I just smiled. " I am in love with you, and I'll never stop being in love with you," I said softly. Thalia chuckled, I stepped toward and attempted to connect my lips with hers, when she store me.

Thalia put her hands on my chest, I stared at her. " What?" I asked. " You're going to smear my makeup," Thalia said. I stepped back, she walked around me and went back to her makeup. I scoffed in disbelief, I turned back around to see Thalia's finishing up her other eye makeup. " You don't need that shit," I said. I grabbed her makeup brush and set it on the counter. " What are you doing?" Thalia asked with a smile on her face. I spun her around again, softly grabbed her throat, and pressed her up against the wall. " Can I just finish getting ready?" Thalia chuckled. " I wanna fucking kiss," I smiled. Thalia rolled her eyes, " after your work dinner." I shook my head, " now." Before Thalia could push me away, I dipped down and molded my mouth with her's. I deepened the kiss and could feel a smile spread across Thalia's face, making me smile.
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Tonight was a special night, it was different from the other work dinners Thalia and I went to. Tonight was more of a... bidding. I was going to surprise Thalia tonight with a gift.

Sorry this chapter was short, I wanted y'all to view the dinner party from Thalia's perspective. Yes, there will be more Antonio's POV's.

How do you guys feel about Evelina? What do you think is going to happen?
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