Chapter 26

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It was around 8pm, dinner had been served. Everyone had changed and was dressed up. The girls that gave me looks earlier today wore skin tight dressed and a lot of makeup. If their plan was to seduce Antonio or some shit, they should just give up now because he's mine.

Not to sound too petty or anything.

" So Thalia," a man said. I looked at him as everyone else looked at me. " How old are you?" The man asked. " Eighteen, but I'll be nineteen soon," I answered. The girls chuckled and snickered to each other. " Do you go to school still?" A women asked. I opened my mouth to say something, but my father beat me to it. " Schools not important right now," my father said. I stared at my plate before looking at my father, he continued eating his steak. " Do you like school?" The women asked. " Yeah, I enjoy it," I answered. " Do you learn anything important?" One of the snarky girls asked me. I looked at her, what kinda of dumb ass question was that? " Yeah, that's why I'm still going to school," I said. Antonio rubbed his jaw, hiding his smile. The girl looked at Antonio's amused but hidden smile before rolling her eyes and going back to her friends. I looked at my dad who was looking at me, my mom set her hand on his arm to settle him down.

Dessert was later on brought out. The group of girls refused to eat because they were on a certain diet, they all shot me a look when I took a bite of my apple pie. " Thalia, are you wanting any kids in the near future?" A women asked me. A chocked on my pie, the girls giggled. " I haven't though about that," I said after swallowing my bite. Everyone looked at Antonio, " do you want kids?" A man asked. " There having kids weather they want to or not," my dad interjected. My mom sighed, " Thalia will be a wife and a mother soon," my father added. I eyed my mom who was looking at me. " When will the two of you have," a women began to say. " That's for Thalia to decide," Antonio cut in. I could tell he was annoyed and tired of this event because his posture said so. " Women have no choice in weather or not they want kids," my father said. " They're young and don't know what they want, which is why us men need to lead the family." The table was absolutely quiet, Antonio looked at my dad. " Did you force your wife into having kids?" My dad's jaw clenched, I clenched my fork and looked at my mom. " I did what was needed," My father answered calmly. " What was needed," Antonio said. My father nodded, " we needed an heir." " You wanted an heir, you didn't think for once second if your wife was ready or not," Antonio said. My dad looked at him, his eyes were dark and slim. I cleared my throat, " I like this pie." Everyone looked at me, I could feel my face redden. Antonio got the message, " it's time for the tour of the garden."

Everyone stood up, Antonio and my dad glared at each other. My mom took my dad's hand, but that didn't subdue the anger my father held in his eyes. I stood up and pulled up my dress so that I wouldn't step on it. The girls walked past me, one slightly bumped into my shoulder before looking me up and down. I was about to go off on her when a hand slipped around my waist. I flinched but remembered that feeling, my anger slipped off me and dissolved onto the ground. " Your father has quite a mind of his own," Antonio whispered into my ear. His voice was so calm and soothing, goosebumps erupted along my arm. I nodded, " it gets worse." Antonio grinned and whispered, " that I'd like to see." I dug my nails into the palms of my hands to prevent me from collapsing onto the ground Antonio slid his hand more around my waist so it was resting right on my hipbone. My heart beat picked up, the thick lump in the throat resurfaced. Fuck these stupid feelings!

It was dark outside, but lamps lit up the walkway. I hugged myself as a soft cool breeze flew by. Antonio noticed, he took off his jacket and put it on my shoulders. " What are you doing?" I asked. " Being a gentleman," Antonio answered as we kept walking. " I'm fine," I told him. " You're wearing a dress with no sleeves, the goosebumps on your arms tell me otherwise," Antonio said as we turned left. I  slipped both my arms into the arm holes, the jacket was warm and smelled good.

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