im bad at titles leave me alone-

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Hey y'all! Happy pride month :D
I thought I'd get a chapter out for y'all to enjoy today, it's a little rushed but I hope you enjoy still

Little! Dream
Cg! Sapnap and George ✨

This is slightly a vent so CW/TW;
Swearing, fighting, stressing out and overworking oneself, ✨family issues✨

I hope you have a great day/night and remember you are valid and loved and if you ever want to rant/vent or just want to someone to talk to my dms are always open, I might be a little bad at fast response as I'm still in school and I actually sleep (yeah ik, crazy) but my dms are open and I'm not stopping you from ranting in a comment either :]


narrator POV:

Dream was overworking himself, he was stressed about school and personal life, and everything was just piling.

His moms were going out with some friends today, so he had to fix dinner for his siblings, one was trying to figure out computers and the other had collapsed from overheating earlier, so none of them was any help.

The clock was approaching dinner time and both siblings started whining about being hungry, so he simply decided to make it alone.

He was moving quick, setting the table, taking out ingredients, and finding some snacks for after dinner all at once, after the taco meat was fully seasoned he set it aside and shaky handed started cutting up the vegetables as stress and panic were catching up to him, while cutting the vegetables though, he accidentally cut his finger.

Blinded by stress to avoiding hangry siblings he kept moving and fixing up a delicious taco dinner. Once he was finally done he served his siblings and told them he was going out, grabbing his bag and leaving in a hurry to Sapnap's house as he had promised earlier.

"DREAM!! Man, you really took your time, huh." Sapnap greeted, leading him inside.

"Yeah sorry, unexpected home-alone-with-siblings-who-can't-cook-for-shit." Dream said, voice slightly shaking.

"Jeez are you okay, you don't look too good," George asked coming out of the living room to greet Dream.

"I- I'm okay, just- stressed." Dream answered, choking up on his words as breathing became difficult.

"Dream you're bleeding!" Sapnap said grabbing his hand. Oh yeah, that.

That was all it took, things became blurry as he fell to the floor, trying to regulate his breathing, he didn't know what to do, everything was too much. He started shaking and gasping for air and tears rolling down his cheeks

Sapnap POV:

Dream collapsed to the floor and started shaking and crying, I didn't process what happened at first before sitting down next to him.

"Dream, calm down, breathe with me, okay?" I said as I took the hand I was already holding and placed it on my chest, breathing in a calm matter "take your time, just follow my rhythm."

After a while, he had calmed down, only occasional hiccups and sniffles as he was now cuddled up to my side as we sat on the floor.

George -who had gone to get some of Dream's stuff that he had here- came back into the room, sitting down next to us.

"How is he doing?" George asked, voice barely above a whisper.

"He's calmed down, I don't know how he's doing- Dream, how are you?"

"I don't know, bettew." He responded with a shrug, tears still dripping down his cheeks.

"Dream, are you feeling small?" I knew the answer, and I know he will probably lie, but I still felt the need to ask. And to my surprise, I got a short little nod in response. Dream was always one who denied his headspace as well as having a hard time staying little or going little at all.

I moved us to the couch and put on some cartoons and grabbing his pacifier from his bag, giving it to him. He happily watched the cartoons as he sucked on the pacifier, George cuddled up to my other side, this was nice since it was a rare occasion. We were having a good time for about 10 minutes before Dream's phone started ringing.

A small gasp was heard from Dream as he quickly discarded the pacifier and picked up the phone.

"H-hello?" He said carefully.

"Dream!- what the fuck, get off me you little shit!" You could hear someone shout over the phone.

"What's going on?"

"He won't stop bothering me!"

"Shut the fuck out you started this shit!"

"Stop. The both of you just fucking stop, I left for a reason, leave me the fuck out of it, call mom or some shit I'm not your fucking dad." Dream was seething at this point, his face was twisted in anger.

"She hung up on us though!"

"I can see why just stop being near each other, maybe that will give everyone a moment of fucking peace for once, now leave me alone if you all again i'll block the both of you and you can tell our parents I won't be home tonight." You could hear his youngest sibling scream and his brother telling them so shut up before Dream hung up, he tapped on his phone before taking it up to his ear again.

"I'm going somewhere, the fuckers are fighting again and I'm not dealing with it this time, I'm leaving them to kill each other and the neighbors to call the police as you told me last time, I can't stand them when they're like this. I'm not their dad, just because I'm the oldest doesn't mean I'm their dad when you go out, I'm turning my phone off after ending this message so you won't be able to locate me, I hope you find these news well." He hung up, turning the phone and throwing it to the side.

He leaned back into my side, angrily putting the pacifier in his mouth before taking it out and groaning.

"What's wrong bub?" George asked.

"I can't be small again."

"Why?" I asked.

"It's gone, the fuzziness is gone, I want to be small but it's not there, slipping is out of the question!" Dream ranted.

"Awh baby, it's okay, do you want to do something else?" I asked.

"Yeah, we can do anything you want, bub!" George smiled.

"I dunno. . ."

"Hmm, how about we get you some yummy sacks, get your stuffies, build a pillow fort and watch comfort shows and or movies? How does that sound daydream?" George offered softly, getting and from the curled-up boy.

I started building the fort as Dream ran to me and George's rooms to collect his stuffies. (they roomies, homies even, separate rooms, one is a little too unused tho. . .) George was in the kitchen fixing some angel milk and pb&j sandwich for Dream.

Once we were all settled in the living room, we started our marathon, unknowingly to Dream, he had managed to slip again, he was happily eating his sandwich. After a while, he started to grow tired and I repositioned us so my two friends were cuddled up to my sides, being the tallest really is a convenience. Soon we were all asleep, adventure time playing quietly in the background.

A few days passed, and after a lot of talking between the three of us, we decided Dream could live here, we are all 18 after all, and his parents can't really stop him, we went with him to his house to get his things, when we got there, his moms rushed up to him to make sure he was okay and he told them he was moving out, he didn't want to deal with the drama anymore, that he promised to visit often but not live there and that he was only getting his things.

His moms understood, helped him back, and gave me and George a serious talk about not letting him destroy himself with work and all that, and after a lot of moving stuff, and cleaning out an overfilled guest room we went from 2 roomies to 3.
Hope you enjoyed, and again, you're valid and loved and my dms are open and comments are also a place you're allowed to rant!

Hope you have a good day/night!

♡︎- Karl Blue [he/they/ghost]

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