learning is hard :[

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punz is trying to learn how to crochet but is struggling to grasp the concept, no one irl is willing to help him and tells him to watch a tutorial on youtube, this frustrates him and makes him slip.

why? because i said so

Punz was sat in front of his computer watching a beginners tutorial on crocheting, he was hearing the words but nothing was being processed. He had asked people in his family for help, but even though they know how to crochet, they told him to watch a tutorial instead. why couldn't they just show him? learning from a video is so hard!

"I give up! this is so difficult!" Punz muttered to himself as he threw the yarn down on his desk, he wasn't a visual learner, he needed a guide, someone who could guide his movements and use understandable words and descriptions.

he picked up the yarn and started anew, making the first row was easy, it was the transition to the second row that he was stuck on. He had sat there for hours trying to figure it out, after another failed attempt, he whined.

"Punz? Is everything alright?" Sapnap asked as he walked into the room.

"No! Everything sucks! I can't figure out this stupid thing!" Punz yelled, throwing himself back in his chair with a pout, making the chair roll a little across the floor.

"Awe baby, that okay, it's a difficult thing to master, do you want sappy to help?" making Punz feel fuzzy, he decided not to fight it.

"Mhms, wan hewp" Punz said, arms stretched out at Sapnap, he picked Punz up and walked to the bed, grabbing the yarn in his other hand, he had no idea how to do this but they'd figure it out together.

Sapnap grabbed his phone and found a tutorial for total beginners and guided Punz through the steps, after making three rows Punz turned to Sapnap with a bright smile.

"We dids it! We made mowe than a row!" Punz cheered from behind his pacifier, showing Sapnap the small patch they had made.

"We did! I'm so proud of you baby!" Sapnap praised, ruffling his hair "do you wanna try doing some more?"

"Hmmm, 'm feewing smallew, don' fink so, da." Punz said tiredly, cuddling into Sapnap, Sapnap grabbed the unfinished patch and put in on the nightstand for them to finish another day before lifting Punz to lay them down on the bed.

"Are you tired, baby?" Sapnap asked, it was obvious he was but he still felt the need to ask.

"Mhms, so s'eepy.." Punz mumbled as he started dozing off, Sapnap noticed he wasn't falling asleep though.

"What's wrong, angel?" He asked, combing a hand through his hair.

"Where stuffie?" Punz said, looking up and his caregiver. Sapnap grabbed the bunny plushie off the nightstand and handed it to Punz who snuggled into in contently "thank chu.."

and that was the last Sapnap heard before Punz passed out from exhaustion, he laid there for a little before eventually falling asleep himself, he might not be amazing at crocheting but he'd do anything for his little angel, even if that meant spending hours crocheting three rows.

~ bonus cuz you guys are amazing and loved <3

Punz woke up a couple hours later big, he looked over at the nightstand where his small achievement was placed, he smiled softly, proud of his accomplishment.

"You learn so fast, im very proud of you." He heard Sapnap say.

"Thanks, i probably couldn't have dont it without you though." Punz smiled and kissed Sapnaps forehead, Sapnap smiled and kissed his nose in return "Thanks for helping me, I love you."

"I love you too, I'd spend months sitting here with you learning if it makes it just a little easier for you." Sapnap said, stroking Punz's cheek with his thumb.

"you're so cheesy.." Punz whispered, leaning into the soft touch.

"you love it" Sapnap whispered back, punz just smiled and nodded before drifting back to sleep in Sapnaps arms contently.

it's a bit of a short one but i hope you enjoyed, they are dating, but it's not really important to the plot or story, just thought i'd state it due to the bonus part.

also crocheting is literally so difficult i don't understand, like all i've achieved after 2/3 weeks of trying is three rows, i wish i had a sapnap </3 i want someone who can physically show me and not just a video that has a bunch of sped up parts and cuts :[

anyone else like, cope by hysterically laughing after a breakdown because there are people around you who you don't wanna slip around and after you just go put on your headphones and pretend to be tired? cuz i do that, even when it's people idc if they see me little, i just panic and start hysterically laughing cuz ik im gonna slip and i don't want to, at least not in public 🧍

MCYT one-shots [mostly Agere]  {requests CLOSED}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora