Long, slow hours past and I was awoke with the sound of knocking at my door. I got out of bed and jogged over to the door, " coming." I was surprised to see about twenty men and women standing before me in all black. " Are you Damitra?" A woman in front of me asked. I frowned, " whose asking." Without permission, I was pushed aside as the men and women in black filled my room. " Excuse me, who the hell are you?" I asked. " We only have a limited amount of time," a tall woman in a black button up shirt and black slacks walked up to me saying. She looked me up and down, " and this is going to take a while to fix so please sit done and don't talk." I raised my eyebrows, but did as I was told. My head was turned in so many directions, my neck began to cramp up. I shifted uncomfortably many times in my chair as many people worked on my face and hair. Powder from my makeup got into my nose, I sneezed and got a lot of annoyed looks.

After what seemed like an eternity of suffering, annoyance, and head shifting, I was finely done. I looked at myself in the mirror, my jaw slightly dropped. Even though I've been to several work dinner events, I've never looked this good and different. My lips looked fuller than usual, my eye makeup was black but made me look older and more mature.  My hair by far was the best. After dyeing it, it made the a whole dark makeup theme look outstanding.

" Now, we've only got thirty minutes to get you in your dress, and down to the event tonight," the woman who helped with my makeup said. A man walked up to us holding a black bag, " your dress is in here." I stood up and took the bag, " so be careful, it's expensive and the fabric is one of the finest in Italy," the woman said. I looked at her and said sarcastically, " yes ma'am." Taking the bag, I walked into the bathroom and changed. Zipping up the zipper and looking at myself in the mirror, I was beyond blown away by my appearance.

My dress was all black, with black lace decorations. From my thigh, all the way down to my ankles, the dress was sheer see-through. The neck lining went all the way down  and ended just inches above my bellybutton. Two thin straps wrapped around my stomach, my arms were bare. The dress was stunning and beautiful, it made me feel more like myself than I've felt in any other dresses I've worn. Even though the entire dress was kinda see-through, It matched the energy I was going for. I didn't care about what the Brambilla's thought about me, I didn't care about who was taking my picture or who was talking about me behind my back. Matter in fact, I hoped everyone would be talking about me and I hoped that he would stare at me, knowing exactly what he fucked up at.

                                          - - -

Driving to the event, part of me felt terrified to see Antonio again after the last time I ran away from him. My stomach cramped up and my heart beat picked up, I was a nervous reck.

So much for the bad bitch energy

My eye immediately filled with awe and astonishment as the car slowly pulled into the parking lot of the building hosting the event tonight. Thousands of people walked up and into the building, beautiful women and handsome me wore stunning dresses and suits. Cameras flashed everywhere, tiny lights filled every possible tree and fence. Knowing I was alone made me nervous, but I calmed myself down my reminded myself who I was and taking several deep breaths in and out. The car stopped, my door opened. A nice, cold breeze fluttered onto my skin. Shivers erupted alone my spine. I got out and looked around, these events would never get old.

I was ushered up and into the business by six guards.

Probably Antonio's guards, the car I drove in looked a little too familiar for my liking.

Walking into the building, I instantly got warm as I left the cold night air outside. Men and women crowded around me, my guards stood either behind or in front of me. I wanted to fold my arms but that would give off my how nervous I was. So instead, I led my arms hang at my side.

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