(Chapter 6) The Top of the World, Looking Down

Start from the beginning

"And why did you grow up traveling around the world with your brother?" Rasmus asked, while his wine remained full in hand. He had stopped drinking much earlier in the night and was fully sober by necessity. "Instead of living with your parents?"

"Because" Lucy paused as she couldn't recall a memory of her parents any clearer than a fizzy dream. She supposed that was normal as she hadn't seen them since she started traveling with Jared at eight years old, but she hadn't thought to ask about them for a while now as when she did Jared would get even colder and angrier than when she asked about Emora.

"It just wasn't an option." Lucy finally said after contemplating for too long nearly brought about a headache.

"So you are a student of the world. Without ties to hold you down." Rasmus said smiling, "The gods themselves could not have designed a better woman to be my wife."

Lucy was still half-lost in thought but was pulled out immediately by his declaration. "Excuse me?" She asked, wondering if she'd heard him right.

Rasmus stepped forward as his smile bordered on hysteria.

"After tonight there will be no more questions of my authority in this country. And with you by my side, the entire world will pay attention to me." He talked as if he was in a fevered dream, and was trying to drag Lucy into the insanity of it. "You're of great importance in the shift of power to come, and I need the world to see that you're tied to me, and no one else." Ramus stepped closer and closer to Lucy as she instinctively retreated away from that hungry look in his eyes until he suddenly jerked forward and grabbed both her hands. "Don't look so frightened." He said, while his grip on her wrists tightened. "I only want to be the one you are meant to find. And if you agree to help me I will give you all you could ever want, until it comes time for you to give me all I have ever wanted, Lucy."

Lucy was suddenly reminded of Belize's warning. All my brother wants is power. She looked at Rasmus with a very unsettled nerve at the back of her neck. And he would sacrifice anything to get it.

"I never told you my name," Lucy said, pulling away her hands.

Rasmus's smile turned sinister. "You're as well known here as you are over there, merrashi. As anyone so involved in fate's command would be."

"Fate's command?" Lucy repeated. "What are you going on about?"

Rasmus gave her an eerie smile, one that sent deep shudders through Lucy's body.

"I thought your brother might have kept you in the dark." The soon-to-be king looked her up and over with knowing eyes. "He most certainly has kept you well hidden from him."

Lucy wanted to ask him what he meant by that, and who was him? And why did a deep knot form in her stomach like this was an old fear coming to surface?

But before she could get anything out, a loud voice broke through the room.

"Welcome my guest, my people, my family!" From the stone stage, the cult's leader addressed his audience with a voice that cut through the crowd like the overhead lightning cut through the clouds. "As many of you know, my son Rasmus is of honoring today. On this day of his 22nd birthday, he will take over my title as ruler and become the next great leader of our lands!" The crowd clapped and Rasmus strutted towards the stage as his sea of people parted for him.

"Each celebration of my son's birth date is a milestone for our country, and today is the day he accepts the legacy of our ancestors." The cheers radiated as Rasmus climbed the stage to join his father. "The mantle of protection that shows he is the worthiest of us all to lead!"

Lucy stood back with her hand clutched over her heart as the words being shouted were overpowered by the words of Rasmus that echoed around her head and turned her bones stone cold.

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