Happy Birthday, Idiot

Start from the beginning

"I am the most fabulous bum you know!" Jenni yelled back.

"Definitely!" She responded. I looked back to Jenni and she was smiling and chuckling at her friend. She was wearing a black tshirt with the words Coffee, Latte, Tea, Espresso on it and big black sweatpants. Her hair was tied in a bun and there was hair sticking out almost everywhere. I thought she looked beautiful. A moment later, Aviary was back in a knee length dress with flowers on it. 

"Okay, now take these and go where Joe tells you. This will be the best birthday evah!" Jenni exclaimed, handing Aviary something I couldn't see and giving her a hug.

"Did you know that you are the best friend I could ask for?" Aviary asked when they let go.

"Yup." Jenni replied, popping the "p". 

"you can leave now or later today. I made it so you can go whenever." She said sitting down in her spot.

"Thank you so much!" Aviary said happily.

Aviary POV

So, I wake up and try to get out of my room but I'm blocked by all these balloons. I grab a toothpick conveniently placed on my door and get popping. I finally reach the end of the hallway to see Dan, Phil, Joe, Caspar, and Jenni. We talked a while and ate some cake that Jenni made which was fantastic. Then she gave me a present which Joe was going to enjoy with me. He knew where we were supposed to go and all that, and we decided to leave at around six. All of us just hung around the house until then talking and telling stories. Six came way too quickly in my opinion, and then me and Joe were on our way. Arm in arm we walked to our mystery date place, and I couldn't see where we were going because Joe insisted I close my eyes. Five minutes later, we were at the most expensive restaurant in town.

"She. . . Didn't" I whispered, looking at the front of the restaurant. I had wanted to go here since I first saw it, but I never got the chance. We walked in and got a table outside, so we could see the sun set. When it was getting dark, they turned on these strings of white fairy lights all around us. We ate the best food I had in my entire life, and they even had a place where you could dance to the slow music they had playing live. When Joe and I finished our meal, we went and slow danced for a while under the stars.

"Ah, I almost forgot to give you this." Joe said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small box. He opened it to reveal the most beautiful necklace I had ever seen. It was extremely simple yet sparkly and cute. He walked behind me and clasped it on, and I looked down to see it sparkling in the faint light.

"I love it. Thank you so much." I said when he walked back in front of me. He kissed me a moment and I rested my head on his shoulder as we swayed slowly. We left about ten minutes later, and wandered around London.

"So, Joe? How is it knowing you have the best girlfriend in the world?" I asked with a smirk.

"What is it like knowing you have the best boyfriend in the world?" He replied, and I giggled in return. I looked at my phone to see that we had been out for four hours, and we decided to go back to my place. We walked back into the flat to see Dan on the left side of the couch, Phil on the right, and Jenni in the middle. They were all sniffling as they were watching Jenni's favorite movie, Keith.

"Where's Caspar?" I asked, walking up behind the couch.

"Shhhh!" They all said in unison, and they all leaned in towards the screen.

"Dorks." I mumbled, and smiled and Joe as I walked over to him. 

"I just got a text from Caspar saying that he forgot his key to our flat on your table." He said laughing, and we both walked over to see his key on the table. Joe took a picture and sent it to Caspar, laughing the entire time.

"Are you just gonna make him wait there until you get back?" I asked, leaning against the counter. 

"I should probably get back now anyway." he replied. "I'll see you tomorrow." he said, and gave me a quick kiss. I walked back over to the couch and Dan, Phil, and Jenni were all crying as the credits rolled on the screen.

"You guys are so weird." I said, turning off the tv.

"It's a sad movie." Jenni responded.

"You're a dork." I replied. 

"I learned from the best, Dork." She responded. Dan and Phil left a half hour later, and it was Midnight.

"Was this the best birthday ever?" Jenni asked, closing the door.

"Yes! I can't believe you got me and Joe reservations to that restaurant." I replied.

"My boss's brother is the owner." She replied. "I'm beat. I'll be in my room if you need me." She said, standing and going to her room, shutting the door. 

"Best. Day. Ever." I said to myself, and I went to my room quickly got to sleep.


I dedicate this chapter to my best friend in the whole world for her birthday. You are the most amazing friend I could have ever asked for, and I hope that you have a truly amazing birthday. I hope you enjoy the chapter and rest of the book and sequels maybe to come. :) I don't know where I would be without you in my life and I honestly don't want to know. You are simply fantastic my friend, Love you lots.

<3 Ya Bestie

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