Who are you really

Start from the beginning

"Na fuck all that I ain't trying to hear that shit right now jazz."


"Jazz I really need you to leave me alone right now aight let me calm down for a second."

She nodded and went out the closet before she left she left the envelope sitting on the dresser. I opened it and it had names dates and the people I need to go holla at to get this case shut down and the person building the case and the info I need on her come to find out its that delivery bitch from over a month ago once I was done looking over the documents I went to go get dressed in something simple went down stairs to grab my keys when I seen jazz sitting at the counter eating ice cream once she seen me she started heading another direction I just shook my head and went out the door I called up monk and q to set up a trap meeting so we can put this shot to rest. I pulled up to the new trap location and went straight to the meet room.

"Whats good big dog?" Q asked.

I just shook my head

"You didn't cheat on jazz again did you?" Monk asked.

"Na nothing like that jazz just told me some shit that kinda got my head fucked up." She said.

"Well whatever it is just know she didn't mean nothing by it." Q said.

"Yeah you be going in on sis in law thats probably why she don't tell your ass shit." Monk said.

"Yeah and if she didn't tell you it was for your own good because you start acting weird towards her no sooner than she tells you." Q said.

"Yeah look at you shaking and shit whatever she told you can't be that bad and even if it is get through especially as many times as she took your ass back." Monk said.

"Big ass fact." Q said.

"Yall need to shut the fuck up and worry about yall relationships and not mine."

Besides these niggas was talking way too much and thats not what we came here for.

"So who we waiting on?" Monk said.


They nodded and we waited until he came in.

"Wassup with yall niggas." He said walking in.

They dapped him up and then ghost walked in.

"So whats going on why yall call me in here?" He asked.

The niggas on this file we need them dead. I gave everyone the copy and gave the instructions to monk and q and dismissed them.

"Aight so yall know I didn't invite yall down here for this."

"We figured that much so jazz must have told you wassup." Ghost said.

"Somewhat why yall ain't tell me?"

"Because wasn't our business to tell we to old for this shit now and when jazz decided to step down we automatically thought of you." Choppa said.

"Yeah we need someone just as rufless if not more sadistic then all of us combined." Ghost said.

"So jazz only found out about me after you picked me to take over?"

They nodded.

"How she know about all these mouthafuckas I be dealing with like how she know the names and places they be at."

"She made sure to know everything about everybody so just in case shit like this happen we ain't got know issues thats how you stay out of jail." Choppa said.

"So whats next?" Ghost asked.

"I got it from here."

They nodded and got up to leave but stopped.

"Go fix your home." Ghost said.

"Trust me she meant no harm in it she really does love you." Choppa said.

I nodded and sat there for a min I don't know what to think of this shit I need to go talk to jazz I got up and started making my way out towards the car to drive home this shit crazy.

Jazz pov
Why do I always do that with him its like I'm afraid to talk to him or something its like the one thing I should have told him was the one thing I didn't how could I be so stupid. I was in my closet packing somethings to go to my old condo just so I can give him his space to think when I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me.

"Hey ma where you going?" Dave asked.

"My condo."

"Oh for what?" He asked.

"You said you wanted some space so I'm heading to my old condo for a second."

"Jazz if you don't sit your tail down with my babe in your stomach you ain't going no where." He said.

"But you said-"

"Jazz I know what I said but that don't mean you leave this damn house this your house to." He said.

I nodded.


"So when was you going to tell me?" He asked.

"After the babe was born I just didn't want anything to change between us."

"I wouldn't had looked at you know different ma you just got to keep shit 100 with me from now on so if you got anything you need to say to me you need to say it now." He said.

I took a long breath because this is going to be a long night.

To be continued...

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