"Oh, thanks."

As I walk into his house, I can already see him smirking. "Well, well, well... if it isn't Mr "I don't have feelings for her"."

"Shut the fuck up, D."

"What happened last night?"

"She broke her shoe and hurt her ankle and couldn't walk, so I had to carry her to my car."

"And why was she going in your car in the first place?"

"So I could take her home."

"Hmm... okay."

"Except... she didn't have her keys... so she stayed at my place."

"Oh, shit. Did you guys fuck?"

"What? No, are you crazy? I wouldn't have sex with a girl while she's that drunk. She slept in my bed and I took the couch. She doesn't even remember anything from last night... she totally blacked out."


I didn't tell Del everything that she said, because it really isn't any of his business.

"So what are you gonna do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you gonna tell her how you feel?"

Here he goes again.

"I told you to stop with that shit."

"I'm sorry, but it's just... I've never seen you like this before. With another girl... or anyone for that matter. You actually care about her."

"It doesn't matter. Whatever I'm feeling for her... I can't, Del."

He gives me a sympathetic look, "I know, man."

"I should go... thanks for her stuff."

"Yeah... see you later."

Del's right. I do care about Ash, more than I'd like to admit. I've spent such a short amount of time with her... but she makes me feel things I've never felt before. It's scary... but I have to stop.

"Here you go."


This is the third time I've driven her home from Del's house... and each time there's been a different vibe in the car.

Ashling's POV

"Home sweet home."

"Yeah... hey, Kaen?"


"Thank you... for taking care of me last night. And I'm sorry for any trouble I caused you."

"It was no problem, really. You didn't cause me any trouble."

"I know, but still. Oh... what about your clothes? I can go get changed out of them really quick—"

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