All the young Blake could make out was: Kages horrific singing, Monty's mumbling, Ravens humming, Miller's drumming, Bears shadow of a smile, Jaspers drunken jammering, and Bellamy's sigh.

The older Blake sat there, uncomfortably on an angle, as he protected Bears ears from all of this chaos.

Whilst the mayhem between the delinquents was erupting like a corrosive volcano, something suddenly tore from the foliage of the trees lining the free grassy reigns, and made a mad rush infront of the car.

Screaming so high the glass might've chipped, Kage slammed his foot on the break, as five wolves clawed their way over the front boot of the car.

A horse came to a stop a few meters away, it's rider raising an arrow, ready for aim. If.

Octavia came to a stop beside the car, her hands slowly moving towards the swords sheathed at her side.

That was, until the archer aimed in her direction, causing the younger Blake to lower her arms to her side.

All five wolves dug up the dirt in their wake, their blonde, cream, and white coats smoothing out from the force of the wind and the speed of their run. Like flight, they flew across the land with freedom howling amongst them.

Coming to a stop at the archers side, the creatures heads tilted slightly, as they stared at the strange, mechanical creature roaming over these lands.

"Lovota?" Bellamy was the first one to say, his hands dropping by his side.

"Who?" Bear asked.

"What?" Monty wondered.

"Oh she is definitely out of your league," Kage hummed, as Raven reached over and punched the guy in the shoulder.

Opening the door to his right, Bellamy poked his head out, as he stood on the inside of the car and held to the top of the roof.

"Lovota!" Bellamy called,"it's me... uh, Bellamy!"

"Did his ass just stutter," Kage snickered,"Did the Bellamy Blake just stutter?"

Everyone watched as the girl lowered her weapon, before soothing the horse into a slow trot. Coming closer to the vehicle, everyone took notice of the war paint scaling around her eyes.

A half moon in blue sat between her eyebrows, facing the sky, like a bowl awaiting on the heavens to rain stars down to earth.

"Heya en gang til, Bellamy," Lovota called, eyeing the people off before her.

Stepping out of the car, Bellamy indicated for everyone to do the same, his eyes watching the tense muscles in the girls shoulders soften when she saw no weapons raised.

Kage felt small against her, for she towered over him in height, and her forearm muscles seemed like they made punching a rock into two, easy.

"I thought you were dead," Bellamy smirked,"I never got to thank you for helping us out at Mount Weather."

Tilting her head, Bear inspected the archer, who wore a mask that covered half their face. She was stunningly dangerous.

"Hm, yu hjalp meg med a leve, ai hjalp deg med a leve," Lovota answered,"Ai trengte ikke din jus ona ai samvittighet"

"Wait. As in, Lincoln's friend, that Lovota?," Octavia realised, trotting towards Bellamy,"I- he said you were dead."

Staring up at the blonde, it hit Bear after Octavia said it where she'd seen her before and where she had seen a name that sounded like hers.

Lincoln's notebook.

"Lovota," Bear called, startled by the archers blue eyes, one of them split down the middle with a soft green taking over the right left side of the iris,"we don't understand you?"

The wolves began to growl, threatening them when Bellamy took a step forth, as if they forbade him too even breathe the same air as their Queen.

"Lovota saved my life, when I was being held hostage in the cells," Bellamy pointed out,"she was there too... she's been there for a while, and didn't speak any English, so I'm not sure she can."

"Did I ever say I couldn't speak English?" Lovota growled, suddenly pulling down her mask,"I speak English only to those worth my time... or before I kill them."

Authors note:

I just realised how much I missed using Kage as that idiotic, comedic relief side character. So, I have brought him BACK!
No, I'm not going to kill him, if that's what you were thinking.

Tridegslang translation:
Hello again, Bellamy - Heya en gang til, Bellamy
You helped me live, I helped you live - yu hjalp meg med a leve, ai hjalp deg med a leve
I didn't need your blood on my conscience - Ai trengte ikke din jus ona ai samvittighet

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