t h i r t y - f o u r ✧

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'I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?'

"You want my help now, huh?" Theo smirked "yes, will you help or not?" I go straight forward to what I want "I can think about it" He said.

"No time to think, yes or no" I say "you know we're on the same side right?" Theo said "I'm gonna kick you in the balls so you know we aren't on the same side" Liam said and Theo laughed.

"I love this kid" Theo chuckled "I don't" Tracy said "No one asked your opinion" I snapped and she definitely was about to come at me, but Theo stopped her. I knew that deep don under his exterior he puts up as the bad guy, he still cares.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Theo said sternly and she backed away "so protective, all of the sudden" I smirked "Theo, are you gonna help or not?" Scott asked.

"fine, I will" He said "but?" I say, Theo smirked because of how I realised there's a 'but'.

"But her only, no one else" Theo said "Not leaving her alone with you" Liam said "they don't trust you" I say "And you do?" Theo asked "no" I scoffed.

"Not anymore" I whispered to myself and no one heard. Then I realised they all have werewolf hearing.

"I can't be there tonight, but Liam's going, I'm not leaving my sister with you alone" Scott said "okay fine" Theo agreed.


"What am I supposed to do?" I ask as we were in the middle of nowhere. It was like a dumpster, a lot not used cars and lots of metal around. "I need you to Move the car" He said "focus on it, your mind, focus on the car" Theo said "use your mind and hands" He said.

I took a deep breath. I focused on the car, I focused on moving it. I clenched my hands in fists as I felt power, I felt something powerful rushing through my body.

The car started moving, barely, but it did. "Your hands" Theo started "use your hands for support" He said.

I lifted my hands as I felt something like electricity going to my hands. Then I saw it the power coming literally out of me and slamming the car way further from us as.

My eyes glowed purple.

"My god" Liam breathed out "oh Dear God" I breathed out as well "you did it" Theo said. "I did it"

"you unlocked it" Theo said "what?" I ask "you unlocked the power, you believed you had it and you unlocked it, you didn't learn how to control it" He explained.

"How do I do that" I ask "you need anchor" He said "Because, when you're new to this, you can kill someone" He said "so you need to have an anchor" Theo spoke.

"Anything, Anyone" Theo said "You'll want to kill me now, Liam tell her to stop" Theo spoke.

"When?" Liam asked "you'll know" Theo stated "okay, but if it's gonna be too late, it's on you" Liam scoffed.

Theo's eyes glowed, he put out his claws and fangs. "Do it" Theo said "kill me" He said. I narrowed my eyebrows. He attacked me and he actually scratched my thigh. I winced in pain.

I focused on him, my mind was racing. He scratched my arm. I slammed him to a wall near by. Theo groaned. I stared at him as the feeling rushed through my body again. Blood started coming out of his eyes.

Theo stood up, He groaned of how his eyes were hurting, but at that moment I wasn't thinking. There was only one thought on my mind.

Kill him.

He struggled to walk up to me as he slashed his claws against my stomach. I whimpered in pain, but I picked myself up. I slammed him to the big metal container.

He started choking without me even touching him. He gasped for breath. "Li-am" he stammered "n-ow"

"Aurora! Your Anchor!" Liam shouted. "I need to kill him" I said without thinking. Theo was gasping to catch any bit of breath as his eyes continued streaming with blood.

Liam was shouting different things, but I couldn't hear him, being too busy killing Theo.
Until I heard Liam shout "STILES! Think about Stiles!" He yelled.

Although I didn't stop torturing Theo, who was barely breathing.

I just need you to be safe

My mind and my heart, my instincts and my body. Everything was fighting against everything. My heart was trying to stop me, but my mind was begging me to kill him.

I felt like I should stop, but my body was doing otherwise.

Next time I put my lips onto yours I want you to be awake

The power took over. I couldn't stop it, but I didn't want to. I heard Liam shouting something from behind.

I hated myself that you didn't get to know that- that I didn't get to say that

"Aurora, please" Theo breathed out.

but at least I'm not afraid to say it anymore.

"AURORA!" The voice was so faint.

I love you

I stopped, my mind focused on Stiles. On his words. Finally. I let the other thoughts go. I let it go.

I looked at Theo, who was catching his breath, but he wasn't struggling to. The blood wasn't streaming from his eyes anymore.

"Good you found your anchor two seconds before I was dead" Theo snapped "I could've killed you!" I yelled at him as I pushed him when he walked up to me.

"I know! But you would've never learned!" He yelled back "I'm done with this" I say as I walk away.

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