Chapter 15 : The Events of the Party Part 2 !!!

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"Okay so this is.....",Four starts but then pauses.He first touches my hair.

"Okay long hair length so this is definitely a girl",Four says. (A/N : Tris's hair is as long as it was in Divergent,in my story)

"Yeah you got that right man.I mean traitor",Will says with emphasis on traitor and Four flinches.But Why ?? Did that hurt him ??

He then touches my face and my hands.I know I should feel uncomfortable with him touching my face and hands after all he has done but surprisingly....I don't.

"Is this.......Tris ??",He asks.

"In the flesh",I reply and see a little ??.He takes his blindfold off.

"Woah !! How did you get that right ?? How did you just guess who is she by touching her ??",Uriah asks.

"Well I guess the "Traitor" has some sense of "Touch"",Four says putting emphasis and air quotes around Traitor and Touch.Uriah rolls his eyes.

"It's about time you get that you....are a betrayer",Will says and Four rolls his eyes.I didn't know Will was annoyed and pissed of with Four too.I thought it was just Uriah.

"Yeah sure",Four says.Ash is just standing there alone.I guess she is feeling a little lonely.I go to her.

"Ash ?",I touch her arm and say.

"Yeah....Hi Tris",She says.

"Hi ?? Are you okay ?? Why are you greeting me now ??",I ask.

"Yeah I am fine",She replies.

"Okay",I say and I am about to leave when she stops me by calling me.

"Tris",She says.

"Yeah",I reply.

"Thanks",She says.

"For what ??",I ask.

"For um.....caring about me and taking to me in a friendly manner",She says.

"Oh...No problem",I say.

"Join me",I continue.

"Huh ?? Join you where ??"She asks.

"The girl part of the gang.I noticed you were pretty lonely.I also saw you smiling and adoring us when me,Mar,Chris and Shauna were talking to each other",I say.

"Uh...Okay",She says.I take her towards Shauna,Mar and Chris.

We all talk for sometime and I must say Ashley is really good at making friends.She gets along with us well.

I am beginning to feel very sleepy.I see the time it's 1:46 AM.I decide to go home and sleep.

"Guys....It's getting late.I am feeling very sleepy.So I am just going to go home and Plop on my bed",I say.

"Yeah Me 2",Shauna,Ash,Marlene and Christina says in unison and then High-five each other.I just smile.

We all decide to call it a night and we all go to our homes.

I change into a night suit,plop onto my bed and fall into a dreamless slumber.

Tobias's POV

All the girls say that they are feeling sleepy.So we decide to call it a night.Destiny hugs me and wishes me a good-night and then she goes to her new home.

Tris also goes home and I also decide to go home and get some sleep.

I reach my home and just as I am about to open the door I get a call from someone I don't at all want to talk to.

"Hello,Four",Evil,heartless monster says.

"Well Hello,Jeanine.I am so glad you called",I reply sarcastically.

"There is no need to be rude,Four",She says.

"Can you just shut you useless advice up and tell me Why the hell did you call me ?",I reply FINALLY loosing it.

She sighs and then tells,"Well Four.I suppose your mission is not going on well.The meter shows us how little you have been able to hurt Tris.If your mission goes on at this rate....I guarantee you that we will have to take this matter in our own hands".The memories of Marcus hitting me with the Belt and Jeanine telling me that they will physically hurt Tris if I don't hurt her flood my mind.

"Okay Jeanine.Me and my partner will work on this and make sure you don't have to take this matter in your hands",I say.

"Well I suppose that is good for me,you as well as Tris and your baby.You have only 3 months and 3 weeks,Four.Do your best",She says and hangs up.

This is when I decide.........

I have to take this mission to the extreme level.

A/N : So that was the end of the Fifteenth chapter.How was it ?? Leave your comments for me.Don't worry Tobias will not physically hurt Tris.





And remember :

<4 ❤️❤️❤️

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