Yoongi, You're Not Wanted

Start from the beginning

This concert was no different. Yoongi sat down on the edge of the stage and performed their songs. The fans around him were respectful and didn't try to touch or hurt him in any way. Yoongi stopped worrying about it after a while. He was fine.

The song ended. The concert continued. Yoongi didn't pause to think about anyone or anything that might have seemed a bit off. Everyone was being nice. He was focused on the performance, not on analyzing how suspicious someone might have seemed.


The last song was also of that type. The idea was for them to walk around emotionally on the stage. The song was "Young Forever". Yoongi knew that he was going to start crying. He wasn't as emotionally unavailable as he liked to act. Even Jin was going to cry. He knew he was going to.


One minute he was singing along happily, and the next minute, he was crumpling up in pain. Yoongi clutched his head. Someone had thrown something at him and they had perfect aim. As he blinked downwards to see what had hit him, he saw that it was a cracked Army bomb. Great.

Jin's hand was on his back. The crowd was awwing. Jin was saying something. Yoongi couldn't hear. Fuck, that had hurt. His head was pounding. That had really hurt. His eyes were starting to water. It could've just been an accident, but he had a feeling that it wasn't one. Jin kept his hand on his back and guided him towards the backstage entrance. Yoongi couldn't see anything properly. He hoped that the other members were continuing the performance. He would hate it if the whole show was ruined because of him. But then again, it wasn't his fault.

When he finally stumbled backstage, Jin pushed him into a chair. Yoongi sat down heavily, panting. His headache had cleared up slightly, but it was still throbbing. He was handed an ice pack. Yoongi held it up to his head. It numbed the area, which relaxed him. Jin stood off to his side, making sure that he was alright.

"I think you should go back," Yoongi mumbled. "I'll join you guys soon, don't worry."

"You sure?" Jin asked.

"Mmhm, it doesn't hurt that bad. I'll be okay."

"Do you... do you know what happened?" one of the staff members asked. "Did someone throw something?"

"Lightstick," Jin replied quickly. "I don't know if it was accidental or on purpose but..."

"I know what happened!"

Yoongi groaned. Of course, Taehyung had decided to join them backstage as well. He was more talkative now than Yoongi had ever been in his entire life.

"I was over there when it happened, I heard what that person said! It wasn't an accident. She screamed how she didn't want you being in the group. It wasn't an accident, I swear!" Taehyung said quickly. "I was right in front of her when it happened, it wasn't an accident! She said she didn't want you in the group and-"

"Do you remember what she looked like?" the manager asked.

Taehyung shook his head. "The lights didn't illuminate her face. But I heard it! I had taken my earpieces out so I could hear the fans. I heard her! I promise! I'm not making things up!"

"Taehyung, we can't just-"

Yoongi sighed. He tried to take deep breaths while he sat there. Taehyung's voice was too damn loud. He was sure that the whole building could hear him. Thankfully Jin was quiet.

"I saw it! I heard-"

"Taehyung, be quiet and go back out on stage," Jin snapped. "It doesn't matter what you saw or heard, screaming like this won't help anything out."

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