•Chapter 39•

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Y/n felt the weight of her decision pressing down on her as the minutes ticked away towards midnight. She couldn't bear to stay in this place any longer, the suffocating walls and the constant fear had become unbearable. She had resolved to run away, no matter the cost.

Her small bag was packed with essentials a change of clothes, some snacks, and a few precious mementos that reminded her of happier times. As she glanced around her room one last time, she couldn't help but think about her only family left, but she knew that staying would mean a life of misery and danger.

The clock struck midnight, and with a heavy heart, Y/n slipped out of her room, careful not to make a sound. The night was dark, and the moon offered her just enough light to find her way. She had no specific destination in mind, but anywhere was better than here.

As she tiptoed down the stairs and out the door, she knew that this was the beginning of an uncertain journey. But she was willing to face whatever challenges lay ahead, for freedom and a chance at a better life awaited her beyond these familiar but oppressive walls.

Y/n's heart raced as she silently made her way to the secret door which she had once found will roaming about the mansion. She couldn't shake the feeling that someone might catch her, that her escape plan was too risky. But the oppressive atmosphere of the mansion had left her no choice. She took a deep breath, turned the doorknob, and slipped out into the cool night.

Jungkook was immersed in his homework until the nagging sensation of thirst pulled him from his books. He wandered into the darkened hallway and ventured into the kitchen to quench his thirst. As he stood at the kitchen sink, sipping water, his thoughts drifted to his missing sister.

Puzzled by the glowing light emanating from Y/n's room, he furrowed his brows. He vividly recalled the room being shrouded in darkness when he descended the stairs earlier. Concern gnawed at him, and he decided to investigate.

Jungkook moved silently down the hall, arriving at Y/n's bedroom door. He hesitated for a moment, hoping to see the light flicker off and reassure himself that everything was normal. However, the light stubbornly continued to shine, casting eerie shadows across the corridor.

Worry etched into his features, Jungkook gently pushed the door ajar and peeked inside, his heart pounding in his chest. What he found would change the course of his night and set in motion a series of events he never could have predicted.

Jungkook's heart raced as he realized his sister was missing. Panic coursed through him as he sprinted out of her room to alert the family. He burst into their parents' room, shouting for help. Jong-suk and his wife Hye-joo, groggy from sleep, jolted awake at the news.

"Missing? Y/n escaped the mansion?" Jong-suk asked, confusion etching his face.

Jungkook nodded frantically. "Yes, dad I even checked her room, but she's gone."

Hye-joo's hands flew to her mouth as tears welled up in her eyes. "Calm down, honey. We'll find her," Jong-suk assured, trying to soothe his wife's distress. He turned to Jin, who was already on the phone with Mr. Lee, arranging for a search team.

Jimin, who had overheard the commotion, joined the group. "But the front door and the back door both are closed. How could Y/n have escaped?"

Jungkook's mind raced. "The secret exit door, Hyung. She might have escaped through that door. She couldn't have gone far. Let's go!" Without waiting for a response, he rushed out the back door, the others following.

Meanwhile, Y/n was running through the dark, deserted road, fueled by fear and determination to get away from the Kims. The night was eerie, with shadows stretching menacingly. She paid no heed to the foreboding surroundings; her sole focus was escape.

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