•Chapter 18•

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It was the Sunday night before another workweek, and everyone at the dinner table was savoring their meal, except for Y/n, who sadly stared at her plate filled with leafy salad and boiled okra. She glanced up to see her brothers enjoying delicious dishes.

"Why aren't you eating your food?" Taehyung asked, his concern evident as he looked at his little sister, who was clearly displeased.

"Oppa, look at this food. It's not very appetizing. Can't I have something more delicious?" Y/n pleaded.

"Little one I know you want to eat something yummy, but it's not the best choice for your health. How about this if you finish your entire meal, I'll make your favorite food for you tomorrow," Jin suggested with a warm smile.

"Alright" Y/n replied, her spirits lifted by the promise of her favorite meal tomorrow.

After they all finished their meal, the Kim siblings gathered for a company meeting to discuss important matters. Y/n, who had diligently completed her dinner, was about to excuse herself from the table when Ms. Yang, their family's trusted caretaker, approached her with a glass of unappetizing white liquid, commonly known as milk, and a small bottle of medicine.

With a gentle but determined expression, Ms. Yang said, "Miss Y/n, I know you've been working hard to eat your dinner tonight. Now, it's time to take your medicine and drink your milk to stay strong and healthy."

"Please, I really don't want to drink the milk," Y/n pleaded.

"But Miss Y/n, the young masters will be upset if you don't," Ms. Yang replied, her concern deepening.

Before Ms. Yang could react, Y/n bolted from her chair, and the guards and other maid sprang into action, chasing after her. Despite her efforts, the maids eventually caught up to her just as Y/n pushed the glass of milk, causing it to shatter on the floor.

The shattering glass and the spilled milk echoed through the room, prompting the Kim siblings to rush from their meeting to the living room. They arrived, wide-eyed and concerned, surveying the scene of the broken glass and milk.

"What happened here?" Hoseok asked, his voice filled with worry, as the mystery of Y/n's unusual reaction hung in the air.

"Young master, Miss Y/n is refusing to drink her milk and take her medicines," the maid explained, her tone apologetic.

Jin's gaze shifted to his sister, concern etched on his face. "Y/n, why?" he asked gently.

Y/n looked down, her expression a mix of guilt and fear. "Oppa, I didn't mean to do that. I just really don't like drinking this stupid white liquid, it's so disgusting. And the medicines are bitter too," she replied, her lower lip protruding in a pout.

Taehyung, ever the caring brother, chimed in, "But you have to drink it for your health, little one. It's essential to take care of yourself."

Y/n sighed, realizing the importance of her health but still finding it hard to accept the dreaded milk and medicine.

Jin knelt down, placing a reassuring hand on Y/n's shoulder. "We understand that it's not your favorite thing, but it's important for your well-being, Y/n. We all care about your health."

Jimin, always the peacemaker of the group, added with a warm smile, "How about we make a deal, Y/n? We'll find a way to make the milk and medicine taste better for you, and in return, you promise to take them without any fuss?"

Y/n brightened up at the idea of a deal. "Okay, that sounds fair. But please, no more plain white milk. Maybe chocolate milk or a milkshake?"

Namjoon, the problem solver, nodded. "We can definitely arrange that. And for the medicine, you have to manage it ."

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