•Chapter 12•

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In anticipation of being dropped off a few blocks away from school, Y/n had devised a cunning plan. "Could you kindly pull over near that store? There's something I need to purchase," She calmly requested.

But Jin was quick to respond, "No need, just tell us what you want, and we'll fetch it for you."

Y/n couldn't resist a sly internal smirk. "He's playing hard to get, but I have a trick up my sleeve," she thought. With an air of mystery, Y/n replied, "It's something rather personal, which is why I can't disclose it."

Jin, not one to give up easily, demanded, "Come on, just let us know."

Sensing her hesitation, Namjoon intervened, "Let her be. We'll wait for her inside the car."

"Alright," Jin reluctantly agreed, "But make it quick, or we'll be tardy for school," he cautioned.

As the car came to a halt in front of the store, she seized the opportunity. Without attracting anyone's attention, She somehow dashed towards the school with all her might, determined to avoid the horde of relentless fangirls and fanboys awaiting her brothers arrival.

"Hyung, it's been fifteen minutes, and she hasn't returned yet," Jungkook voiced his concern.

A sense of unease settled among them those minutes felt far too long for a quick shopping trip. "Mr. Lee, could you please go inside the shop and find out why Y/n is taking so long?" Jin requested. Mr. Lee, their trusted guard, nodded and headed into the store.

Minutes later, Jin's phone rang, displaying Mr. Lee's caller identity Anxiously, he answered.

"Young master, Miss Y/n is nowhere to be found. I checked the cameras as well, but she wasn't inside the shop," Mr. Lee reported.

My heart sank as Jin relayed the news to the others. "Guys, Y/n is not inside the shop."

"What? How is that even possible?" Hoseok exclaimed.

"That little troublemaker," Jimin muttered angrily.

"Namjoon, call our team and tell them to start searching for her," Jin instructed. Namjoon nodded, already dialing the necessary numbers.

Unbeknownst to us, Y/n trailed her friends towards the classroom, oblivious to the growing concern back at the car. As she blended into the familiar school environment, she couldn't help but smile at the normalcy of it all.

Inside the car, panic was setting in. We couldn't fathom how Y/n had vanished without a trace. Namjoon had already dispatched our team to search for her, but the minutes felt like hours.

Jin, usually the calm and collected one, was visibly worried. "We need to find her quickly. I don't like this one bit," he said, gripping his phone tightly.

Hoseok clenched his fists, frustration evident in his voice. "She better not be playing some prank on us. This isn't the time for it."

Jimin, who had been initially annoyed by Y/n's delay, now felt guilty for not taking her disappearance more seriously. "We should have been more cautious," he muttered to himself.

Finally, a call came through. It was one of our team members. "We've located her inside the school," he reported.

Relief washed over us as we rushed to the school, thankful that our trusted Mr. Lee had averted a potential crisis. Little did we know that Y/n's misadventure would turn into quite the story to recount later, complete with worried looks and sighs of relief.

Meanwhile, on Y/n's end, as soon as she arrived in front of the school gate, she spotted her friends walking toward the classroom. With stealth, she followed closely behind them, unaware of the commotion her extended shopping trip had caused.

Y/n suddenly exclaimed, causing a startle among her friends . Laughter followed her mischievous act.

"Girl you nearly gave us a heart attack," Lisa chided with a playful tone.

"I'm really sorry," Y/n responded, flashing her trademark puppy-dog eyes.

"We forgive you. Now, let's get going, or we'll be late," Jennie urged, pinching Y/n's cheeks affectionately.

Rosé, always curious, inquired, "By the way, how's your life with the Kim family?"

Y/n leaned in, sharing her latest escapade, "Well, nothing much. They insisted I join them for breakfast and follow some rather peculiar rules. But you won't believe what happened just a few minutes ago."

Naturally intrigued, Jisoo prompted, "Tell us, what happened?"

With a mischievous grin, Y/n recounted her earlier adventure, "I managed to outwit them. I told them I needed to visit a store for some personal items, and then I made a daring escape, which led me here to school." Her laughter filled the air as she shared her clever antics with her friends.

"Our little troublemaker," Jennie chuckled, shaking her head affectionately.

Lisa couldn't help but giggle at Y/n's antics. "What do you think will happen if they find out you fooled them and ran away?" she asked curiously.

Y/n shrugged playfully. "Honestly, not much. I'll be in for some teasing, that's for sure."

Jisoo interrupted the banter, reminding them of their impending classes. "Let's head to our classrooms before we end up with detention."

With a nod from Y/n, they split off to their respective classes. "Yeah, see you at the cafeteria later," Y/n called out as she went to her class, with Jennie and Lisa following suit.

As Y/n sat in the class, my mind drifting to thoughts of her late brother. She couldn't help but miss him terribly. Y/n wished he was still by her side, sharing those special moments that were now just distant memories. Het thoughts were consumed by the longing for his presence, the warmth of his smile, and the sound of his laughter.

But her reverie was abruptly interrupted when, out of nowhere, the classroom door flung open with a force that startled everyone. All eyes turned towards the entrance, curious and a little alarmed, as the anticipation built.

The tension in the room thickened as we awaited the revelation of the intruder's identity. Whispers and hushed speculations filled the air. The teacher, too, paused mid-sentence, curiosity piqued. And then, as the door swung open fully, she was met with the sight of someone, a name that could mean many things. The atmosphere in the classroom shifted, and Y/n found herself on the edge of her seat.


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