•Chapter 20•

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As the night wore on, Y/n started to realize just how late it had become. She checked her phone and gasped when she saw the time. "Oh no," she exclaimed, "It's way late than I thought. I need to get home."

Her friends exchanged understanding glances, and Seohee said, "Y/n, we can't let you go home alone at this hour. It's not safe."

Jolina nodded in agreement, "She's right. We'll all feel better if we know you get home safely."

Lily chimed in, "And I'm sure your family is worried about you by now."

Jolina hesitated "Okay, maybe you're right. It would be nice if someone could accompany her."

Just then Bogum, who had been quietly observing the situation, spoke up, "I'll take you home, Y/n. It's the least I can do for you."

Y/n was initially taken aback by the offer, but she could see the genuine concern in his eyes. Reluctantly, she agreed, "Alright, thank you, Bogum. I appreciate it."

With that, Y/n said her goodbyes to Seohee, Jolina, and Lily, promising to see them again soon. She and Park Bogum left Seohee's home and headed towards his car. Y/n couldn't help but feel a mixture of gratitude and apprehension as they embarked on the journey back to her family's mansion.

Meanwhile, amid their search, Jungkook's phone rang. It was Mr. Lee he and the guards had dispatched to find Y/n. He answered the call, hoping for good news.

"Have you found?" Jungkook asked anxiously.

Mr. Lee on the other end replied, "We've been searching all over town, and there's still no sign of Ms Y/n. We've checked her usual haunts, but she's nowhere to be seen."

Taehyung, who was standing next to Jungkook, overheard the conversation and spoke up, "Keep searching. Don't give up. We need to find her."


While Y/n and Bogum were having their conversation at the mansion's entrance, the security personnel and maids had been keeping a close watch on the situation. They had been instructed to inform the family as soon as Y/n arrived safely.

Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jin shared a collective sigh of relief, knowing that their sister was unharmed. However, their initial worry quickly turned into frustration as they realized the extent of their concern.

As Y/n reached the living room since her stepbrothers wanted to see her, a stern voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Where were you, young lady?" Jin asked, his voice tinged with a mixture of anger and concern as he crossed his arms.

Y/n turned to face her stepbrother, her eyes wide with surprise. " I was at my friend's house" she replied casually, not fully grasping the gravity of the situation.

Jungkook, who had been quietly listening, chimed in, "I thought your only friends were Lisa , Jennie , Rosé and Jisoo and they weren't available tonight. Who were you with?"

Y/n's face lit up as she remembered the events of the evening. "Oh, about that, I met Jolina, Lily and Seohee we became friends today!"

The room fell silent as her they exchanged worried glances. Hoseok spoke up, his concern evident, "Y/n, how can you trust people so easily? What if they had ulterior motives or intended to harm you?"

Taehyung nodded in agreement, "And it's late. Weren't the rules clear about coming home on time and letting us know where you are?"

Y/n tried to explain, "They're really nice and sweet. I promise they wouldn't harm me."

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