•Chapter 10•

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As Y/n made her way downstairs, the scent of a delicious breakfast greeted her. The dining room was abuzz with the chatter and laughter of her stepbrothers and parents.

Jungkook, ever the jokester, decided to liven up the atmosphere. He grabbed a serving spoon and began playfully conducting the breakfast items like a maestro with an invisible orchestra, pretending each dish was a different instrument.

"Ah, the cereal section," he announced dramatically, scooping up a spoonful of cornflakes. "And now, the grand finale, the milk pour!"

With exaggerated flair, Jungkook tipped the milk jug with one hand while continuing his breakfast symphony. Unfortunately, his aim was a bit off, and a splash of milk ended up on the table rather than in his cereal bowl.

The room burst into laughter except Yoongi who did just seem to almost fall asleep while Taehyung who sat their with an expression on their face, and Y/n couldn't help but join in.

Even her mother, Hye-joo, couldn't suppress a giggle. It was a moment of lightheartedness that set the tone for the day's festivities, reminding everyone that, in the end, it was the shared laughter and love that truly mattered.

Amid the laughter over Jungkook's breakfast antics, the atmosphere in the dining room was warm and cheerful. Everyone was in high spirits, sharing stories and enjoying the delicious meal prepared for the special day.

Just as the laughter began to subside, Jong-suk and Hye-joo, the newlyweds, exchanged knowing glances. Their faces held a hint of mischief as they stood up together, capturing the attention of everyone in the room.

"Thank you all for being here to celebrate this beautiful day with us," Jong-suk began, his voice carrying a sense of gratitude and excitement.

Hye-joo continued, "But we have one announcement to make, something we've been waiting to share."

"You are pregnant??" asked Y/n suddenly, her eyes widening with anticipation.

Hye-joo chuckled, shaking her head. "Oh, sweetheart, no, I'm not pregnant," she responded with a warm smile, placing a reassuring hand on Y/n's shoulder. "Though, what we're about to share is equally exciting."

The room fell silent as they exchanged another glance, building anticipation. Then, Jong-suk broke into a wide smile and took Hye-joo's hand.

"We're going on a honeymoon," Their mother announced, and Y/n nearly choked on her food. Jungkook quickly patted her back, and Jin offered her a glass of water to help her recover.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" Hye-joo asked with concern.

Y/n nodded, still a bit flustered, and then asked, "How can you leave me alone?"

"Who said you're alone? You have your seven brothers," Hye-joo responded, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Mom, I don't trust them, and after you leave for the honeymoon, I'll move back to our own house or I'll stay over at Lisa's ," Y/n declared firmly.

"You're not going anywhere" Jong-suk interjected, his gaze shifting to the boys. "My sons won't harm you, right, Jin and Namjoon?"

"Yes, dad we'll take care of our little sister, and Y/n, don't worry, we'll look after you very well," Jin assured her with a warm smile, and Namjoon nodded in agreement.

"Good. We'll be leaving soon," Jong-suk informed them before he and Hye-joo left the dining table.

Later, as they prepared to depart, Y/n bid her mother and father farewell.

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