•Chapter 14•

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Upon their firm insistence, Chaesol proceeded to drag her forcefully toward their undisclosed location. The unease Y/n had felt earlier was now growing exponentially.

They entered a dimly lit janitor's room, and Chaesol showed no restraint as she roughly pushed her to the floor. Before she could react, a barrage of blows rained down upon me. She tried to resist, but Semi and Ye Ah held her down, rendering her helpless against the assault. Seline and the others joined in, subjecting Y/n to a brutal beating.

"Bitch, it's time you learned your lesson," Chaseol declared, her anger palpable.

"Stay away from them," Belle admonished, punctuating her words with violence.

Jee Won delivered a punch that made Y/n head spin, causing blood to spatter onto the floor. The pain was searing, and she struggled to respond through the haze of agony.

Their message was clear they were willing to resort to violence to protect their perceived claim over her stepbrothers. She had no choice but to endure their brutality, hoping that somehow, she would find a way out of this situation.

With those words, Y/n reluctantly agreed, wanting nothing more than to end this painful ordeal. The girls departed from the janitor's room, leaving Y/n battered and broken.

Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes as the pain surged through her. Every movement was excruciating, and even the simple act of trying to stand caused her to collapse back to the floor. Y/n longed for the comforting presence of her stepbrothers, but they were nowhere to be found.

Y/n wiped away a tear, determined to regain her composure. Slowly, she leaned on the guardrail for support, summoning every ounce of strength to inch her way toward her locker. Thankfully, no one crossed her path in this pitiable state.

Upon reaching her locker, she managed to retrieve a hoodie and a pair of pants. Changing clothes was a daunting task, made even more painful as she caught a glimpse of the large, ugly scar on her stomach. The agony threatened to overwhelm her, but she refused to let herself cry. She couldn't afford to break down now.

With great effort, Y/n finished changing in the girls' changing room, each movement a reminder of the brutality she had endured. The pain in her stomach was unbearable, and she gingerly touched the scar, feeling a shiver of fear and anger.

As she pulled the hoodie over her head, Y/n silently vowed to overcome this setback, to keep her bond with her stepbrothers intact, and to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

After changing into fresh clothes, Y/n made her way to the school clinic, hoping to treat her wounds. But the pain was nearly unbearable, and she couldn't escape the feeling of hopelessness that had settled over her like a shroud. At times, the pain felt so overwhelming that she wished she could simply escape it all.

Despite her best efforts to treat her wounds, she couldn't help but wonder why her friends hadn't shown up yet after the first class. Their absence only added to her sense of isolation and despair.

Lost in her thoughts, Y/n inadvertently drifted into slumber while sitting on the rooftop. Time slipped away, and when she finally awoke, she realized that the school day had come to an end. Hurriedly, she retrieved her bag from the classroom and began walking towards the school exit, oblivious to the impending danger.

Suddenly, a strong grip on her hair yanked her backward. Y/n turned to find Semi and her minions.

Without warning, Ye Ah slapped her with force, causing Y/n to crash hard onto the cold floor. The pain was excruciating.

𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant