•Chapter 27•

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The concern etched on their faces deepened as they watched Y/n struggle and shake her head in response to Hoseok's question. They knew something was terribly wrong, and their hearts ached for their beloved sister.

Y/n's eyes were wide with fear, and her body trembled uncontrollably as she tried to form words. It was clear that she was not only physically but emotionally traumatized by the events she had experienced.

Without hesitation, her parents and her brothers surrounded Y/n, offering comfort and support. Jin spoke softly, "Princess, it's okay. You're safe now. You can tell us what's wrong."

Y/n took a shaky breath, her voice barely above a whisper as she began to share her feelings of fear and trauma. "I... I'm scared. I remember everything... what he did to me... I can't forget..."

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she buried her face in her father's chest, seeking solace and protection.

Mr. Kim held his daughter close, his own eyes filled with tears as he gently stroked her hair. "Shh, it's alright, my daughter. We're here for you, and we'll help you through this. You don't have to be afraid anymore."

The Kim brothers nodded in agreement, their expressions filled with determination to support and assist Y/n in her recovery. They knew it would be a long and difficult journey, but they were determined to help their sister heal and overcome the trauma she had endured.

The days that followed were filled with therapy sessions, support from family and friends, and a loving environment to help Y/n regain her strength and confidence. The Kim brothers were unwavering in their commitment to stand by her side and provide the emotional and physical support she needed.

Slowly but surely, Y/n began to show signs of improvement. The nightmares that had plagued her started to lessen, and she found comfort in the presence of her family. The journey to recovery was still ongoing, but with the love and support of her brothers and parents, Y/n was on her way to healing.

Throughout the process, the Kim brothers made sure that Y/n felt safe and protected. They were determined to be the pillars of strength she could lean on whenever she needed. Their bond as a family grew even stronger as they faced this challenging ordeal together, and they knew that their love and support would help Y/n reclaim her life and happiness.

And so, the Kim family embarked on a journey of healing and recovery, determined to help Y/n overcome the darkness that had touched her life and bring back the brightness of her smile.

As the days turned into weeks, the Kim brothers continued to provide unwavering support for Y/n. They understood that healing took time, and they were patient, always ready to lend an ear or offer a comforting presence.

One evening, while gathered in Y/n's room, they decided to have a heart-to-heart conversation with their sister. Jin, the eldest, spoke first. "Y/n, we want you to know that we're here for you, no matter what. You don't have to go through this alone. We're your family, and we love you."

Y/n looked at Jin with gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you, Oppa. Your support means everything to me."

Namjoon, known for his wisdom, chimed in, "It's okay to feel scared or anxious. What you went through was incredibly traumatic, and healing takes time. But remember, you're strong, Y/n. We've seen your strength, and we believe in you."

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